Learning Plan

For Advanced Learning Option

Ability and inclination to engage students in learning experiences that integrate the local environment and community.

Goals and Outcomes

I can engage my students in learning experiences outside the school that integrate the local environment and community to enrich my students’ learning. 

I will practice the targeted skills in this module by . . . 


Technology Empowers Student Fieldwork

Fourth-grade students make meaningful contributions to science through the nationwide NatureMapping program.

Establishing Real-World Connections in Projects 

Students are more engaged when learning relates directly to the world they live in. See how to extend your projects beyond the classroom walls.


As you read the following articles, think about what kinds of relevant action fieldwork your students could do in your community. 

Recommended Reading 

The Power of Place: Authentic Learning through Place-Based Education offers a comprehensive and compelling case for making communities the locus of learning for students of all ages and backgrounds.

This highly recommended and can be purchased at Amazon.com. 


Iceberg Analogy

This illustration may provide you with possible ideas for topics students could research in their community.  

Try It! 

Task 1: Action Research Fieldwork Options

Have the students plan and engage in an action research unit/project. Possible ideas could be for students to:

Students could use technology to gather, record and share their learning for any of the ideas listed above. 

Submit an artifact (a sample of student work, a presentation, photographs of students engaged in fieldwork, videos, etc.) to Canvas.  

Task 2: Reflection

In your module completion report on Canvas, offer brief reflections on the following prompts: