
Regular Option

_____ Taken pre-assessment

_____ Read 

_____ Preparing-teachers-for-place-based-teaching


_____ Success Analysis Protocol

_____ Watched Video

         _____ Video:

         _____ Video: 

         _____ Video:

_____ Reviewed and completed

         _____ the form on how to facilitate a guest speaker and attached it to my module completion report

_____ Tried it! 

         _____ Invited a local into the classroom to be a guest speaker. 

         _____ Took a picture of presenter in front of the class and attached it with my module completion report

 _____ Taught a place-based lesson connected to the guest speaker visit 

______Debriefed with peers using success analysis protocol. 

_____ Completed Reflections for: 

____ Task 1: Arranging and facilitating a guest speaker

____Task 2: Teaching a place-based lesson connected to the guest speaker visit

____ Task 3: De-briefing the visit with the success analysis protocol 

Advanced Option

_____ Taken pre-assessment

_____ Read 

_____Making Student Learning Relevant

_____ Inviting Elders to the Classroom from ANKN

_____ Respect for Elders Unit from ANKN

_____ Meet Local Scientists Project

_____ Watched Videos

_____ Tried it! 

         _____   Completed the Community Member Resource Template

_____ Added to the Local Resource Catalog in my school 

_____ Shared the catalog at a staff meeting 

_____ Uploaded the Catalog to Canvas

_____ Completed Reflection questions in Canvas