Collaborators and Partners

The Food Sovereignty Working Group (FSWG), formally the Food Security Working Group, is a growing network out of the Arctic Observing Summits to support community-driven research processes, Indigenous sovereignty in policy and decision-making, and sharing of the Indigenous-led work on Indigenous food security in the Arctic. 

Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) is Canada’s first and longest-lived Arctic research institute. AINA was created by an Act of Parliament in 1945 as a not-for-profit, research and educational organization. AINA is based at the University of Calgary.

Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) is a joint activity of the International Arctic Science Committee and the Arctic Council. SAON's vision is a connected, collaborative, and comprehensive long-term pan-Arctic Observing System that serves societal needs. 

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Arctic Research Program provides support for maintaining and extending networks of climate observing systems. The program works collaboratively with international partners to obtain observations from a suite of climate observatories around the Arctic. 

The Arctic Observing Summit (AOS) is a biennial summit that aims to provide guidance based on the best available knowledge for the design, implementation, coordination and sustained long-term (decades) operation of an international network of Arctic observing systems. 

The US Arctic Observing Network builds bridges between federal agencies and non-federal and Indigenous partners to understand and improve scientific observations and observing platforms in the Arctic. 

The Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee brings together leaders from 18 agencies, departments, and offices across the U.S. federal government to enhance research in the Arctic. IARPC Collaborations brings together federal agencies, Arctic researchers and communities, and more to share their work and team up to improve research in the Arctic. 

AOOS works collaboratively to identify and fill gaps in ocean information and provide accurate and reliable data, applications and services for decision making.

‘Aleut Community of St. Paul Island’ is a title by which the federal government of the United States formally recognizes ‘the tribe,’ which is the group of people of the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island, as having a time-honored common bond of living together; a nation born, living, and self-governing before the United States was conceived. 

The Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research is located in Bremerhaven, Germany, and a member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres. It conducts research in the Arctic, the Antarctic, and the high and mid latitude oceans.

EU Horizon 202 Arctic PASSION (Pan-Arctic Observation System of Systems) is a European Union-funded project that is concurrently aiming to co-create and implement a coherent, integrated Arctic observing system.

Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA) ELOKA fosters collaboration between resident Arctic experts and visiting researchers to facilitate the collection, preservation, exchange, and use of local observations and Indigenous knowledge of the Arctic. 

Ikaaġun Engagement is an Indigenous-owned consulting firm led by Kaare Sikuaq Erickson, which provides education and orientation services to Arctic scientists and rural educators. Ikaaġun is based in Unalakleet and Anchorage, Alaska. 

The Indigenous Sentinels Network is a tool for recording and communicating significant environmental and ecological events in order to empower remote communities dealing with the effects of climate change.

The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Marine Working Group (MWG) encourages and supports science-led international programs by offering opportunities for planning and coordination, and by facilitating communication and access to facilities. 

Since November 2020, partners from the University of Washington (UW), Kivalina Volunteer Search and Rescue (KVL-SAR), and City of Kivalina have exchanged regular observations and forecasts of Kivalina’s Chukchi coast.

The Navigating the New Arctic Community Office (NNA-CO) builds awareness, partnerships, opportunities, and resources for collaboration and equitable knowledge generation within, between, and beyond the research projects funded by the National Science Foundation’s NNA Initiative.

At the NOAA Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, a partnership of NOAA and CU Boulder, hundreds of environmental scientists work to understand the dynamic Earth system, including people's relationship with the planet. 

The Polar Observing Assets working group (POAwg) facilitates the discovery and interoperability of information about research & monitoring assets in polar regions: sites, transects, observatories, projects, and networks or systems. 

Raven's Group LLC is dedicated to grant and program development and evaluation, focusing through an Indigenous lens on K-14 opportunities for Alaska Native and rural Alaskan youth. We believe that the values of Alaska's Indigenous peoples are the foundation for successful frameworks for programs serving all of Alaska's youth.

SALT LLC Alaska is is a catalyst for transformation! Through strategic engagement, and visionary design, we create environments for generations to thrive.