2021 IBFRA conference registration

Register today AND BECOME an IBFRA member!

All attendees, including presenters and chairs/co-chairs, must register for the conference in order to gain access to the virtual platform. IBFRA is pleased to support participants with limited resourced to attend the 2021 conference for a reduced registration fee. Those interested should email an inquiry to ibfra2021@gmail.com.

All participants will automatically become an IBFRA member at registration and receive our newsletters.

Attend on your own time!

Content for all sessions (oral and poster presentations) will be fully available to participants during the time of the conference starting August 16th 2021. Oral and poster sessions are designed for discussion and debate and we strongly encourage participants to join the presentations live. However, if you are not able to participate live, presentations can be listened to later on your time during the conference. You won't miss out on any content!

Registration rates

Registration will provide access to all the presentations (oral and poster), breakout sessions and chats during the conference. The registration rates support diverse and global participation by offering reduced rates to students, and for participants with limited resources. To qualify for reduced rates, please email an inquiry to ibfra2021@gmail.com.

If you need to cancel your registration, please contact us at ibfra2021@gmail.com.