2021 IBFRA conference: abstract submission


We invite abstract submissions for both oral and poster presentations, by filling out the form below.

Abstracts are due before February 22nd, 2021. Earlier submissions are encouraged.

Abstracts should contribute to the conference theme: "a changing boreal biome: assessing the vulnerability and resilience of boreal ecosystems to climate change and their socio-economic implications". A list of sessions have been developed by the Conference Committee members and external contributors. Sessions are covering topics such as the effect of climate and disturbances on ecosystem vulnerability to change, and the consequences of these changes on ecosystem services, from carbon sequestration, to wood production and management, to permafrost and hydrology and to people subsistence and economy. Depending on the abstracts we receive, adjustments may be made to the current list of sessions. For an up-to-date list of the sessions for the conference, click here.

If you would like to submit an abstract outside the scope of the proposed sessions, we encourage you to do so by simply not specifying a session number in the submission form. (The list of sessions might be subject to updates during the month of March).

Scientific and Editorial Reviews:

All abstracts will be reviewed for scientific content by members of the conference scientific committee. A committee member will contact the author directly to discuss any questions or discrepancies, and ensure any required changes are made. Author should be prepared to make needed revisions on short notice. Failure to respond in a timely manner could result in the abstract not being printed.

Following content review, abstracts will be edited for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and to ensure they conform to length requirements. Authors (or previously-designated alternate) will be sent their revised abstract to review, with a very short deadline to reply. Again, failure to respond in a timely manner could result in the abstract not being printed.

* Note: In the case of multiple authorship, all correspondence will be listed with the first author, or a previously-designated alternate.

First-listed author or designee's submission of final, approved version will constitute legal permission for IBFRA to publish as per above.

Selected abstracts will be published in the Abstracts Book subject to peer review. The Scientific Committee will select presentations on the basis of the abstracts and will notify authors by March 31st, 2021.

Abstract guidelines:

  • Abstracts should be results oriented; very briefly state the main objectives and methodology of the research being reported, then discuss the results and indicate principal conclusions. Focus on the work being reported, omitting phrases such as, "This presentation will ...".

  • Microsoft Word documents (.doc) and plain text (.txt) are acceptable file formats.

  • Submission deadline: February 1st 2021

  • Title maximum length: 100 characters without space

  • Abstract maximum length: 300 words

  • Written in English (American spelling and grammar)

  • 12-point Times New Roman font

  • Spell out acronyms and abbreviations (other than standard scientific symbols) on first reference

  • Minimize use of unusual symbols to aid in transmission and software translation

  • No figures, tables or references

  • Use period for decimal notation

  • Use superscripts with metric units to indicate multiplication or division (50 g C ha-2 yr-1); periods are unnecessary

  • Billions = 109, trillions = 1012

  • In equations, leave spaces on either side of +, -, and = signs

  • Italicize scientific species names

  • Standard abbreviations: kilo = k, ton = t, hour = h, day = d, year = yr