In a Time of Change: integrating ecological science with the arts and humanities in Alaska

Mary Beth Leigh and Lissy Goralnik, UAF

The need for public understanding of science is critical as society faces social-ecological challenges that are growing in intensity and number, including the many broad-reaching effects of climate change. Collaborations between the arts, humanities and sciences can engage people at the intellectual, intuitive and emotional levels, and can strengthen humans’ understanding of and appreciation for the environments and ecosystems in which they live, potentially leading to pro-environmental behavior. Founded in 2008 by the Bonanza Creek Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program in Fairbanks, Alaska, the In a Time of Change (ITOC) program facilitates and produces transdisciplinary exhibits, performances, and events for the public focused on social-ecological themes such as climate change, wildfire, predator control, microorganisms, and other dimensions of boreal forest ecology. Competitively selected and/or invited artists and humanists engaged in facilitated interactions with scientists through lectures/workshops, field trips, and other activities over the course of 1-2 years. Participants then develop original creative works that integrate science and focus on the core theme and present them at visual arts exhibits, literary readings, roundtable discussions, and/or live performances. Visual arts components then tour regionally, nationally, and internationally. Audience survey data from ITOC’s art-science exhibits in Alaska reveal positive impacts on audience knowledge and attitudes about science and increased awareness of the mechanisms and outcomes of climate change. ITOC has produced five major projects and a sixth, entitled “Boreal Forest Stories”, is currently in progress. At IBFRA, we will share an overview of the program and its outcomes and feature several ITOC artists and writers who will share their creative process and selected works inspired by the boreal forest ecosystem.