
Formally mentored undergraduates; Formally mentored grad students; Informally mentored grad students [Google Scholar]

In Review or Revision:

81. Michie, C. E. R., M. McAdie, G. A. Breed, and L. E. Olson. (2023) Patterns of leadership and hibernation cooperation in the hoary marmot (Marmota caligata). In Review: Journal of Mammalogy.

80. Badger, J. J., W. Don Bowen, C. E. den Heyer, G. A. Breed. (2023) A multistate open robust design model for estimation of individual heterogeneity in imperfectly observed mark-recapture systems. In Review: Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

79. McDermott, M. T., P. Doak, C. M. Handel, G. A. Breed. (2023) High diversity in the diets of Arctic passerine nestlings revealed by next-generation sequencing. In Revision: The Auk.

In Press or Published:


78. Daly, K. M., D. Mann, D. Sikes, G. A. Breed. (2023) Wing length in Alaskan butterflies decreases during warmer summers across a broad geographic range. In Press: Ecography.

77. Awender, S., Wackerbauer, G. A. Breed. (2023) How realistic features affect the stability of an Arctic marine food web model. In Press: Chaos.

76. Arce Guille, R., F. Lindgren, S. Muff, T. Glass, G. A. Breed, and U. Schlagel. (2023) Incorporating spatial random effects into step selection analyses with Log Gaussian Cox processes. In Press: Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

75. Eisaguirre, J. M., P. J. Williams, J. C. Brockman, S. B. Lewis, G. A. Breed and T. L. Booms. (2023) A hierarchical modeling framework for estimating individual- and population-level reproductive success from movement data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14(8): 2110-2122. [pdf

74. Badger, J. J., W. Don Bowen, C. E. den Heyer, G. A. Breed. (2023) Individual robustness and correlation between reproductive performance and survival in marine mammals. The American Naturalist 202(3): 351-367. [pdf

73. Crawford, S., R. Coker, T. O’Hara, G. A. Breed, T. Gelatt, B. Fadely, V. Burkanov, P. Rivera, L. Rea. (2023) Fasting durations of Steller sea lion pups vary among subpopulations—evidence from two plasma metabolites. Conservation Physiology 11(1): coad084. [pdf

72. Badger, J. J., W. Don Bowen, C. E. den Heyer, G. A. Breed. (2023) Natal body size carries over into lifetime reproductive performance in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus). Ecology and Evolution 13(6), e10095. [pdf

71. Awender, S., Wackerbauer, G. A. Breed. (2023) Combining generalized modeling and specific modeling in analysis of ecological networks. Chaos 33 (3), 033130. [pdf

70. Citta, J. J., G. A. Breed, S. R. Okonnen, M. L. Druckenmiller, L. Quakenbush, J. C. George, W. Maslowski, R. Osinski, L. Harwood, R. S. Suydam, J. Olnes. (2023) Shifts in bowhead whale distribution, behavior, and condition following rapid sea ice change in the Bering Sea.  Continental Shelf Research 256, 104959. [pdf] 

69. Deane, C. E., L. G. Carlson, C. J. Cunningham, P. Doak, K. Kielland, G. A. Breed. (2023) Prior choice and data requirements of Bayesian multivariate mixed effects models fit to tag-recovery data: a call for power analyses. Ecology and Evolution 13 (3), e9847. [pdf]


68. Reynolds, M., K. Kielland, G. A. Breed, and J. Shook. (2022) Diet and reproductive success of Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) at its northern breeding limit.  Canadian Field Naturalist, 135 (4): 337-345. [pdf]

67. Glass, T. W., G. A. Breed, C. R. Laird, A. J. Magoun, M. D. Robards, C. T. Williams, K Kielland. (2022) Microhabitat characteristics and architecture of wolverine reproductive dens and resting burrows on tundra. Arctic 75, 291-299. [pdf]

66. Ventura, F, P. Catry, M. P. Dias, G. A. Breed, A. Folch, J. P. Granadeiro. (2022) A central-place foraging seabird flies at right angles to the wind to jointly optimize locomotor and olfactory search efficiency. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 289: 20220895 [pdf]

65. Johns, M. E. , P. Warzybok, J. Jahncke, M. Lindberg, P. Doak, G. A. Breed. (2022) Episodes of high recruitment buffer against El Niño-caused disruptions in a North Pacific seabird population.  Journal of Animal Ecology. 91(2): 345-55. [pdf]

64. Eisaguirre, J. M., T. L. Booms, C. P. Barger, S. Goddard, and G. A. Breed. (2022) Landscape partitioning between territorial and non-territory golden eagles: Analysis using Ornstein-Uhlenbeck step-selection functions. Ecological Applications: e2542. [pdf]

63. Wilbur, S., C. E. Deane, G. A. Breed, C. L. Buck, C. T. Williams, B. Barnes (2022) Survival estimates of free-living arctic ground squirrels: effects of sex and biologging.  Canadian J. Zoology 100 (4): 251-260. [pdf]

62. Deane, C. E. , B. Flynn, D. L. Bruning, G. A. Breed, and K. A. Jochum. (2022) Partitioning Space and N-mixture model bias; a case study with social ungulates.  Ecosphere 13(1): e03892. [pdf]


61. Booms, T. L., N. A. Paprocki, Eisaguirre, J. M., C. C. Barger, S. B. Lewis, G. A. Breed, D. Oleyar. (2021) Golden eagle abundance in Alaska: Migration counts and movement data generate a conservative population estimate. Journal of Raptor Research. 55(4): 496-509. [pdf]

60. Cameron, M. D., K. Joly, G. A. Breed, C. P. H. Mulder, Eisaguirre, J. M., K. Kielland. (2021) Mechanistic movement models identify continuously updated autumn migration cues in Arctic caribou.  Movement Ecology. 9(1): 1-12. [pdf]

59. Beltran, R. S., A. M. Kilpatrick, G. A. Breed, T. Adachi, A. Takahashi, Y. Naito, P. W. Robinson, W. O. Smith, A. L. Kirkham, J. M. Burns. (2021) Ice break-out, phytoplankton blooms and the vertical foraging behavior of a Southern Ocean top predator. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 288(1947): 20202817. [pdf]

58. Glass, T. W., G. A. Breed, G. E. Liston, A. K. Reinking, M. D. Robards, K. Kielland. (2021) Snow as habitat: Spatiotemporally dynamic snow properties explain subnivean habitat use of an Arctic mesopredator. Oecologia 195(4): 887-899. [pdf]

57. McDermott, M. T., P. Doak, C. M. Handel, G. A. Breed, C.P.H. Mulder. (2021) Willow drives changes in arthropod communities across tundra-shrub gradients of northwestern Alaska: Ecological implications of shrub expansion. Ecosphere 12(5): e03514. [pdf]

56. Glass, T. W., G. A. Breed, M. D. Robards, C. T. Williams, K Kielland. (2021) Trade-off between predation risk and behavioral thermoregulation drives resting behavior in a cold-adapted mesocarnivore. Animal Behaviour 175: 163-174. [pdf]

55. Olnes, J., G. A. Breed, G, M. Druckenmiller, J. J. Citta, J. A. Crawford, A. L. Von Duyke, and L. Quakenbush. (2021) Juvenile bearded seal response to a decade of sea ice change in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series 661: 229-242. [pdf]

54. Eisaguirre, J. M., C. P. Barger, S. B. Lewis, T. L. Booms, and G. A. Breed. (2021) Multistate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck space use models reveal sex-specific partitioning of the energy landscape in a territorial soaring bird. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 12(3):507-519. [pdf] [Addendum]

53. Glass, T. W., G. A. Breed, G. Iwahana, M. C. Kynoch, M. D. Robards, C. T. Williams, K Kielland. (2021) Permafrost ice caves: An unrecognized microhabitat for Arctic wildlife. Ecology 102(5): e03276. [pdf]

52. Reynolds, M., J. Shook, G. A. Breed, and K. Kielland. (2021) Detection and density of the Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) in Arctic Alaska. Journal of Raptor Research 55(1): 56-64. [pdf]

51. Awender, S. A. , R. Wackerbauer, G. A. Breed. (2021) Generalized stability of ecological complex systems. Chaos 31 (2): 023106. [pdf]

50. George, J. C., Thewissen, J. G. M., Von Duyke, A., Breed, G. A., Suydam, R., Sformo, T., Person, B., Brower, H. (2021) Chapter 7: Life History, Growth, and Form. In: The Bowhead Whale: Biology & Human Interactions. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

49. Breed, G. A. (2021) Chapter 29: Predation and impacts of predators. In: The Bowhead Whale: Biology & Human Interactions. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


48. Cameron, M. D., K. Joly, G. A. Breed, C. P. H. Mulder, and K. Kielland. (2020) Role of collective memory in the interannual choice of calving sites by an arctic ungulate. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 8: 564567. [pdf]

47. Eisaguirre, J. M., C. P. Barger, S. B. Lewis, T. L. Booms, and G. A. Breed. (2020) Novel step selection analyses on energy landscapes reveal how linear features alter migrations of soaring birds. Journal of Animal Ecology. 89 (11):2567-2583. [pdf]

46. Glass, T. W., G. A. Breed, M. D. Robards, C. T. Williams, K. Kielland (2020) Probabilistic classification of accelerometer data to resolve activity budgets in a cryptic top predator. Ecological Informatics 60: 101152. [pdf]

45. Badger, J. J., W. Don Bowen, C. E. den Heyer, G. A. Breed. (2020) Variation in individual reproductive performance amplified by population size in a long-lived carnivore. Ecology 101 (6): e03024. [pdf]

44. Johns, M. E. , P. Warzybok, J. Jahncke, M. Lindberg, G. A. Breed. (2020) Oceanographic controls of winter habitat use in Cassin’s auklets. Ecological Applications 30 (3): e02068. [pdf]

43. Matthews*, C. J. D., G. A. Breed*, B. LeBlanc, and S. H. Ferguson. (2020) Killer whale presence drives bowhead whale selection for sea ice in Arctic seascapes of fear. Proc Nat Acad Sci 117 (12): 6590-6598. * Joint lead authorship. [pdf]


42. Eisaguirre, J. M., M. Auger-Méthé, C.P. Barger, S.B. Lewis, C.L. McIntyre, T.L. Booms, and G. A. Breed. (2019) Dynamic parameter movement models reveal drivers of migratory pace in a soaring bird. Frontiers in Ecol and Evol 7:317. [pdf]

41. Beltran, R. S., A. Kirkham, G. A. Breed, J. Testa, and J. J. Burns. (2019) Reproductive success delays moult phenology in Weddell seals. Scientific Reports (9):5221. [pdf]


40. Eisaguirre, J. M., T. L. Booms , C. P. Barger , C.L. McIntyre , S.B. Lewis, G. A. Breed. (2018) Local meteorological conditions reroute a migration. Proc R. Soc. Lond. B 285 (1890): 20181464. [pdf]

39. Johns, M. E., P. Warzybok, R.W. Bradley, J. Jahncke, M. Lindberg and G. A. Breed. (2018) Increased reproductive investment associated with greater survival and longevity in Cassin’s auklets. Proc R. Soc. Lond. B 285 (1885): 20181464. [pdf]

38. Smith, J., S Karpovich, G. A. Breed, and D M O’Brien. (2018) Morphological characteristics of harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) whiskers and their use in dietary reconstruction using stable isotope ratios. Canadian J. Zoology 96 (11): 1255-1263. [pdf]

37. Cameron, M.D., K. Joly, G. A. Breed, L.S. Parrett, and K Kielland. (2018) Movement-based methods to infer parturition events in migratory ungulates. Canadian J. Zoology 96 (11): 1187-1195. [pdf]

36. Severns, P. M. and G. A. Breed. (2018) Male harassment influences female movements and genetic architecture in a fragmented metapopulation network. Ecography 41: 2045–2054. [pdf]

35. Breed, G. A., M.F. Cameron, J.M. Ver Hoef, P.L. Boveng, A. Whiting, and K.J. Frost. (2018) Seasonal sea ice dynamics drive movement and migration of juvenile bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus). Marine Ecology Progress Series 600:223-237. [pdf]

34. Beltran, R. S., J.M. Burns, and G.A. Breed. (2018) Convergence of biannual molting strategies across endothermic vertebrates. Proc R. Soc. Lond. B 285(1878):20180318. [pdf]

33. Cameron, M.F., K. J. Frost, J. M. Ver Hoef, G. A. Breed, A. V. Whiting, J. Goodwin and P. L. Boveng. (2018) Habitat selection and seasonal movements of young bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) in the Bering Sea. Plos One: 13(2):e0192743. [pdf]


32. Breed, G. A., C. J. D. Matthews, M. Marcoux, N. R. Reinhart, J. W. Higdon, B. LeBlanc, S. D. Petersen, J. Orr, and S. H. Ferguson. (2017) Sustained disruption of narwhal habitat use and behavior in the presence of Arctic killer whales. Proc of the Nat Acad Sci: 114 (10), 2628-2633. [pdf]

31. Brown, L. M, G. A. Breed, P. M. Severns, E. E. Crone. (2017) Losing a battle but winning the war: moving past preference–performance to understand native herbivore–novel host plant interactions. Oecologia: 183(2):441-453. [pdf]

30. Johns, M. E., P. Warzybok, R. W. Bradley, J. Jahncke, M. Lindberg, Breed, G. A. (2017) Age, timing, and a variable environment affect double brooding attempts of a long-lived seabird. Mar. Eco. Prog. Ser. 564:187-197. [pdf]

29. Breed, G. A., E. A. Golson and M. T. Tinker. (2017) Predicting animal home-range structure and transitions using a multistate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck correlated random walk. Ecology 98(1):32-47. [pdf]


28. Sexson, M. G., M. R. Petersen, G. A. Breed, and A. N. Powell. (2016) Shifts in the distribution of molting Spectacled Eiders (Somateria fischeri) as an indicator of ecosystem change in the Arctic. Condor 118(3):463-476. [pdf]

27. Demars, C., G. A. Breed, J. R. Potts, and S. Boutin. (2016) Spatial patterning of prey at reproduction to reduce predation risk: what drives dispersion from groups? American Naturalist: 187(5):678-687. [pdf]


26. Breed, G. A. and P. M. Severns. (2015) Unexpectedly high precision of consumer-grade GPS units for small-scale animal movement studies. PeerJ 3:e1205. [pdf]

25. Breed, G. A., P. M. Severns, and A. M. Edwards. (2015) Apparent power-law step length distributions can arise from intraspecific interactions. J. Roy. Soc. Interface 12:20140927. [pdf]


24. Luque, S. P., S. H. Ferguson and G. A. Breed.* (2014) Spatial behaviour of a keystone Arctic marine predator and implications of climate warming in Hudson Bay. J. Exp. Mar. Bio. Ecol. 461:504–515. *Corresponding Author. [pdf]

23. Severns, P. M. and G. A. Breed. (2014) Behavioral divergence and life-history consequences after adoption of an exotic host plant (Plantago lanceolata) in two Euphydryas spp. butterflies. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiology, 68 (5), 805-814. [pdf]


22. Maxwell, S. M., E. L. Hazen, S. J. Bograd, B. S. Halpern, G. A. Breed, B. Nickel, H. Bailey, M. A. Kappes et al. (2013) Pelagic predator distributions and impacts: implications for effective spatial management of the oceans. Nature Communications, 4:2688. [pdf]

21. Breed, G. A., W. D. Bowen and M. L. Leonard. (2013) Behavioral signature of intraspecific competition and density-dependence in colony breeding marine predators. Ecology and Evolution. 3 (11), 3838-3854. [pdf]

20. Fagan, W. F., M. A. Lewis, M. Auger-Méthé, T. Avgar, S. Benhamou, G. A. Breed, L. LaDage, U. Schlaegel, W. Tang, Y. Papastamatiou, J. Forester, and T. Mueller. (2013) Spatial memory and animal movement. Ecology Letters, 16 (10), 1316-1329. [pdf]

19. Breed, G. A., S. Stitcher and E. E. Crone. (2013) Climate-driven changes in northeastern US butterfly communities. Nature: Climate Change 3: 142-145. [pdf] Featured on the cover & widely reported by international media outlets.


18. Edwards, A. M., M. P. Freeman, G. A. Breed and I. D. Jonsen. (2012) Incorrect likelihood methods were used to infer scaling laws of marine predator search behaviour. PloS One 7(10): e45174. [pdf] Recommended by Faculty of 1000.

17. Costa, D. P, G. A. Breed and P. W. Robinson. (2012) New insights into pelagic migrations: implications for ecology and conservation. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 43:73-96. [pdf]

16. Harvey, V., M. O. Hammill, D. P. Swain, G. A. Breed, C. Lydersen and K.M. Kovacs. (2012) Winter foraging by a top predator, the grey seal, in relation to the distribution of prey. Mar. Eco. Prog. Ser. 462:273-286. [pdf]

15. Breed, G. A., D. P. Costa, P. W. Robinson, I. D. Jonsen and J. Mills-Flemming. (2012) State-space methods for better inference of behavioral dynamics in tracked animals. Ecol. Modelling 235-236:49-58. [pdf]

14. Maxwell, S. M., J. J. Frank, G. A. Breed, P. W. Robinson, S. A. Simmons, D. E. Crocker, J. P. Gallo-Reynoso and D. P. Costa. (2012) Benthic foraging on seamounts by a deep diving marine mammal. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 28(3): e333-e344. [pdf]


13. Benoît, H. P., D. P. Swain, W. D. Bowen, G. A. Breed, M. O. Hammill and V. Harvey. (2011) Can predation by grey seals explain elevated natural mortality in three fish species in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence? Mar. Eco. Prog. Ser. 442:149-167. [pdf]

12. Maxwell, S. M., G. A. Breed, B. J. Godley, R. J. Parnell, J. Makanga-Bahouna, E. Pemo-Makaya, S. Ngouessono, B. Nickel, A. Formia, D. P. Costa and M. S. Coyne. (2011) Internesting behavior and movements of olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) in Gabon, Africa. PloS One 6(5):e19905. [pdf]

11. Breed, G. A., W. D. Bowen and M. L. Leonard. (2011) Development of foraging strategies with age in a long-lived marine predator. Mar. Eco. Prog. Ser., 431: 267–279. [pdf]

10. Block, B., I. Jonsen, S. Jorgensen, A. Winship, S. Shaffer, S. Bograd, E. Hazen, D. Foley, G. A. Breed, A.-L. Harrison, J. Ganong, A. Swithenbank, M. Castleton, H. Dewar, B. Mate and D. Costa. (2011) Tagging of Pacific Pelagics: Tracking apex marine predator movements in a dynamic ocean. Nature, 475:86-90. doi:10.1038/nature10082. [pdf]

9. Breed, G. A., D. P. Costa., M. E. Goebel and P. W. Robinson. (2011) Electronic tracking tag programming is critical to data collection for behavioral time-series analysis. Ecosphere, 2:art10. [pdf]

Before 2010

8. Breed, G. A., I. D. Jonsen, R. A. Myers, W. D. Bowen and M. L. Leonard. (2009) Sex-specific, seasonal foraging tactics of adult grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) revealed by state-space analysis. Ecology 90:3209–3221. [pdf]

7. Green, R. E., G. A. Breed, M. J. Dagg and T. S. Bianchi. (2008) Modelling ecosystem responses to changing nutrients in the Mississippi River Plume. Cont. Shelf Res. 28:1451–1465. [pdf]

6. Breed, G. A., W. D. Bowen, J. I. McMillan and M. L. Leonard. (2006) Sexual segregation of seasonal foraging habitats in a non-migratory marine mammal. Proc. R. Soc. B 273:2319–2326. [pdf]

5. Green, R. E., T. S. Bianchi, M. J. Dagg, N. D. Walker and G. A. Breed. (2006) An organic carbon budget for the Mississippi River turbidity plume and plume contributions to air-sea CO2 fluxes and bottom water hypoxia. Estuaries and Coasts 29:579–597. [pdf]

4. Dagg, M. J., T. S. Bianchi, G. A. Breed, W.-J. Cai., S. Duan, H. Liu, B. M. McKee, R. T. Powell and M. Stewart. (2005) Biogeochemical characteristics of the lower Mississippi River, USA, during June 2003. Estuaries and Coasts 28:664–674. [pdf]

3. Breed, G. A., G. A. Jackson and T. L. Richardson. (2004) Sedimentation, carbon export, and food web structure in the Mississippi River plume described by inverse analysis. Mar. Eco. Prog. Ser. 278:35–51. [pdf]

2. Dagg, M. J., and G. A. Breed. (2003) Biological effects of Mississippi River nitrogen on the Northern Gulf of Mexico: A Review and Synthesis. J. Mar. Sys. 43:133–152. [pdf]

1. Buck, T. L., G. A. Breed, S. C. Pennings, M. E. Chase, M. Zimmer and T. H. Carefoot. (2003) Diet choice in an omnivorous salt marsh crab: Different food types, claw allometry, and habitat complexity. J. Exp. Mar. Bio. Ecol. 292:103–116. [pdf]