DIY Assignment

The DIY asssignment asks the instructor to create a scneario or problem that involves students selecting an option.

Art History Sample

Dr. Zoë Marie Jones shares a work of art with her students that they have not seen in class and asks them to identify the piece based on its features and the materials discusses throughout the semester. The student would submit the justification of their choice to identify the work of art the way they did.

Math 156 Sample

Dr. Latrice Bowman provides examples of differing cell phone plans and asks students to discuss the differences between the plans and ultimately select one based on their criteria. The student would submit the justification of their choice to participate.

Your Sample

What would be a great problem based scenario, one with multiple answers that would allow students to showcase their reasoning for our Thank you for reaching out. Could we connect over my availability on Monday or Wednesday

Math 113 Sample

Dr. Latrice Bowman provides the students with a theoretical job and options for monthly expenses. Students are asked to think about how they would create a budget and discuss why they would or would not choose certain options.

Here is a link to the pilot assignment:

PS 201X Sample

Dr. Jeremy Speight provides students with background information on South Sudan. Students are asked to take a policy position supporting democratization in this case. The student then submits a justification for their policy position, as well why they did not choose another course of action, for the general assessment.

Math 230 Sample

Dr. Latrice Bowman provides generalities about designing a pond. Students are asked to think about materials and dimensions to design a pond to meet certain specifications. The student would submit justification of their process and of their choices. In addition they would need to explain why they did not choose other materials or processes.