Workshop Agenda

Fresh Eyes on Ice Workshop

January 14-15, 2022


NOTE: We have had to switch this to an online workshop due to the Omincron Surge in Fairbanks and weather related travel barriers. We will be re-scheduling our in-person meet-up for Late April, with the aim of presenting our special projects to each other in a student research symposium. All purchased plane tickets will be credited to this spring travel.

NEW location: Zoom

Friday, Jan 14- All classrooms and groups are invited to connect!

9:30 am - Welcome and Introductions

  • Message of welcome from UAF Directors and NASA Program officer

    • Gerald Guala, NASA Citizen Science for Earth Systems Program Manager

    • Bill Schnabel, Dean of UAF College of Engineering and Mines

  • One student representative from each school group introduces thier school and community

9:45 am - Visit with Elders - Sam Demientieff and Wally Carlo

10:15 am - Question to the Elders from students

10:30 am - Issue class mission: Write down a list of questions that you have about ice in your community that you could investigate


Saturday, Jan 15- All Adults and youth leaders who were intending to join the in-person workshop are welcome to attend, as well as those who were originally unable to travel.

9:00 am - Welcome to Day 2

  • Report back on questions that your classrooms had on Friday

9:15 am - 10 minutes each + 5 min Q&A - Science Nuggets from guest speakers on topics that have emerged from student questions

10:15 am BREAK

10:30 am Tools for special projects (imagine the possibilities for inquring about ice!) 15 minutes each plus 5 min Q&A

  • Ice visualization - questions you can ask with drone and remote sensing data - Dana Brown, UAF

  • Local and Indigenous knowledge - how to respectfully include it in your special project - Malinda Chase, Association of Interior Native Educators

  • Videography - how to use it as a tool for youth projects and to conduct interviews- Amanda Byrd, UAF

11:30 am - Project development planning break-out rooms

  • Consulations with scientists

12:25 am - Closing discussion on project support this spring -Chris Arp

12:30 pm END

AGENDA of Cancelled in-person

Fresh Eyes on Ice Workshop

January 14-16, 2022

Wedgewood Resort and Hotel

212 Wedgewood Drive

Fairbanks, Alaska 99701

Front Desk: 907-452-1442


Travel Questions- Tohru Saito, 907-474-1544

Other Workshop Questions- Katie Spellman 907-388-5178 or Chris Arp 907-223-8839

Link to workshop COVID19 safety protocol

Current Interior Alaska COVID19 Dashboard

Friday, Jan. 14

Day 1 Theme- Learning from Elders and each other

8:30 am - Registration & Catered Breakfast

  • Paperwork and COVID19 safety check-in

  • Pre-workshop evaluation

9:00 am - Welcome

  • Land Acknowledgement - Elena Sparrow

  • Workshop Goals and Community Agreements - Chris Arp and Katie Spellman

  • Welcome from Directors

Bill Schnabel, Dean of UAF College of Engineering and Mines

Ben Stevens, Tanana Cheifs Conference Natural Resources

Gerald Guala, NASA Citizen Science for Earth Systems Program Manager

  • Partner Introductions

National Weather Service (Karen Endres)

Tanana Chiefs Conference (Brooke Woods)

9:45 am - Elder Visit - Sam Demientieff and Wally Carlo

10:30 am - Break

10:45 am- Concurrent sessions

  • Learning from Elders and cultural experts - Malinda Chase (Gazebo Room)

  • Conducting community interviews and videography - Amanda Byrd (Lobby couches)

11:30 am- Swap concurrent sessions

12:15 pm - Catered Lunch (Gazebo Room, but may spread out to hotel rooms and lobby for COVID safety)

  • Gear up for outdoor work

1:00 pm - Walk to Wander Lake in Wedgewood Wilderness Preserve

  • Wildlife and Ice - Mike Taras, Alaska Department of Fish and Game

  • Ice safety and thickness measurement refresher training - Chris Arp

  • Introduction to special projects field study design and additional measurements

  • GLOBE water quality training - Greg Kahoe, Elena Sparrow, Christi Buffington

3:00 pm - Concurrent sessions

  • Project Planning - Community team consultations with scientists and experts

  • GLOBE water quality training lab work

3:40 pm - Swap concurrent sessions

4:25 pm - Day 1 Reflection

4:30 pm - Evening Break

6:00 pm - Catered Dinner and guest speaker - Carl Benson, UAF Professor Emeritus, Ice and Snow

Saturday, Jan. 15

Day 2 Theme- Investigating ice from above and below

8:30 am - Catered Breakfast & COVID19 symptom screening

9:00 am - Warm up the day

  • Traditional dance instruction with Sonny Luke - river and winter theme

9:20 am - Fish in Winter - Kevin Fraley, Arctic Fisheries, Wildlife Conservation Society

10:00 am - Question Formulation Technique - Christi Buffington

10:30 am - Walk to Concurrent Sessions

  1. Walk to Noyes Slough for comparative study

  • Make same measurements as on lake during day 1

  • Monitoring fish habitat under ice - underwater camera and invertebrate sampling

  • GPS training

  1. Drone flight training in Joy Elementary Gym

  • Drone safety training

  • Assembly, piloting, and data download

12:15 pm Catered Lunch back at Wedgewood Resort - Gazebo Room

1:00 pm - Swap session and walk to Concurrent Sessions

  1. Drone flight training in Joy Elementary Gym

  • Drone safety training

  • Assembly, piloting, and data download

2. Walk to Noyes Slough for comparative study

  • Make same measurements as on lake during day 1

  • Monitoring fish habitat under ice - underwater camera and invertebrate sampling

  • GPS training

3:00 pm - Remote sensing and ice in your community

  • How to get it, how to use it

  • Practice putting field data into Google Earth and matching satellite data from Sentinal Hub

4:15 pm - Day 2 Reflection

4:30 pm - Evening Break

6:00 pm - Catered Dinner and Instructional Game Night

Sunday, Jan. 16

Day 3 Theme- Pulling it all together & practicing our approaches

8:30 am - Catered Breakfast and COVID19 symptom screening

9:00 am - Opening Ice Breaker

9:30 am - Choice Activities

  • Additional field practice in outdoor drone use

  • Special project field methods practice at lake

  • Project planning and scientist consultations

12:00 pm - Catered Lunch

1:00 pm - Storytelling with data and repeat imagery

2:30 pm - Workshop evaluation

3:00 pm - Closing ceremony

  • Secret Scientist awards and GLOBE certifications

  • Closing words from Hajo Eicken, Director of UAF International Arctic Research Center

  • Closing dance with Sonny Luke

4:30 pm - Workshop End