OLLI Class 2018

Course Goals

At the end of this class, students will have learned how to storyboard their ideas, used online storytelling software such as Adobe Spark, and create a multimedia digital story that they can share with others online.

Day #1

Today we will be looking at some digital storytelling best practices and examples and will get started on helping you with ideas.

Video examples made in Adobe Spark:


Part of tonight's homework requires that you create a script and storyboard. A storyboard is a tool to help you think through the distinct parts of your story and help you envision your script and connect your spoken words to your images.

This is an example of a storyboard that was used to create the short video story above. Note that the drawings don't need to be fancy! Limiting the script to just a few lines will help you keep your story to the point for each image you show.


Day #2

We will talk about your storyboard scripts and go over how to use Adobe Spark, the tool we will use to build digital stories.

You will create an Adobe account.

We will then start putting it all together!

You will decide how to customize your story with a theme. You will start creating the pages of your story video using your images and text.

Adobe Spark Help

Adobe Spark Parameters

  • Spark Video slides containing video or voice narration can be up to 30 seconds long.

  • Spark Video slides containing just images, icons, and text (with no video or audio) can be up to 10 seconds long.

  • Not sure the limit on # of slides but you can have at least 50! (under 25 is recommended)


Day #3

In this class, we continue to work on your story.

We will work on recording audio and adding music layers to your video.

We will also go over how to share your video with others.


Day #4

Final day of class.

Finish putting your digital stories together and making final adjustments.

Share your story.

HOMEWORK - Keep Creating Stories!

Our Stories

"Kristina's Cache, A Memoir of Adventure and Survival"

by Kristina Ahlnas

"Tradition: My Family"

by Linda Wells