Student Updates

Throughout 2024 and 2025, UAOnline will be updated with a new look and feel, a new student dashboard and the ability to use UAOnline from any mobile device. Students can also anticipate a mobile-friendly registration experience. 

New functionality will include a new Student Profile that summarizes academic information in one location and a Financial Aid Dashboard, which gives students a more concise and easier to read presentation of financial aid offers.

Once the transition to the new version is complete, UAOnline will be accessible to students utilizing screen readers and other adaptive equipment. 

Legend for status bar: completed, in progress, in queue, optional-TBD, Not being implemented

Banner Student FAQs

Who do I contact if I am having troubles with UAOnline?

Please report any UAOnline issues to your university OIT office: 

Additional FAQs will be added as functions are transitioned to the new version.