
Check out news and media coverage of our project.

Dakota Keller, a graduate student in the UAF Department of Biology and Wildlife, is helping to rebuild habitat that previously provided an aqueous nursery for juvenile salmon before their outmigration to the ocean.  

Biomedical Learning and Student Training program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks highlights House’s current project, "Biomonitoring Cripple Creek’s Water Quality After a Reconstruction Through Macro-Invertebrate Diversity,” is a strong indicator of ecosystem health.

Nearly 90 years after its channel was abandoned, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service employees, partners, local students and community landowners strive to restore its natural flow.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Martha Williams toured various sites linked to Cripple Creek juvenile Chinook salmon habitat restoration.

A citizen science project is counting fish on Cripple Creek, a tributary stream of the Chena River, hoping to restore it to produce salmon again.

High school students restore Chinook salmon habitat as part of the Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District’s Youth for Habitat program.

K-6 school-wide, long-term monitoring of the environmental impact of a new levee presented at AGU.

Cripple Creek salmon habitat restoration project highlighted on KUAC Radio Morning News,  August 23, 2023, starts at 3:58.

UAF partnered with NASA’s SnowEd, to allow elementary school kids to explore snow properties to increase scientific understanding of snow mass on Earth.

Students present their ice measurement findings from Sleetmute to assist satellite imagery and scientists with predicting spring flooding.

A group of young students search for fish and record results the Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District’s Youth For Habitat summer program.

Public participation in research increases understanding of science and can generate new knowledge, according to a University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist.

Students from the Watershed Charter School spent the day at the University of Alaska Fairbanks to learn more about how water moves, pollution, and how the climate can affect water.

Dr. Katie Spellman's left eyebrow arched into an exclamation point above the wide frames of her glasses. "What happens in the Arctic doesn't stay in the Arctic...