Game Rules

Basic Rules of Badminton

Scoring System

  • The first side to 21 points wins a game. All matches are the best-of-three games

  • A point is scored on every serve and awarded to whichever side wins the rally. The winning side gets the next serve

  • If the score is 20-20, a side must win by two clear points to win the game. If it reaches 29-29, the first to get their 30th point wins


  • The shuttlecock must be hit below waist height, with players serving diagonally into their opponent's service box. Players must remain stationary until the serve is made

  • The server's feet can not be touching the line during the serving time

  • It is not a fault if the server misses the shuttlecock while serving

  • The server must wait until the opponent is ready before serving. Once the opponent attempts a return, the rally is starting

  • The server starts from the right service court and will serve from that side every time they have an even amount of points. A player serves from the left every time they have an odd amount of points

  • In doubles, the server will alternate sides with the teammate, as long as they keep winning points

  • Each player will retain serve for as long as they keep winning points

  • If the receiving side takes the point, they assume serve. Going forward, the player who did not initially serve for each team will only assume the service once their side has won a point as the receiving side

  • A serve must pass the short service line, which is the first horizontal line from the net

  • In singles, a serve must land within the center line and the singles' sideline and long service line

  • In doubles, a serve must land within the center line and the doubles' sideline and long service line

Return Serve

  • In singles, except the area of the doubles sidelines, the rest of the court is included

  • In doubles, the whole court is included

  • Players must wait for the shuttlecock to cross the net before returning a serve

Singles Return Area: Light-green area

Doubles Return Area: Whole court

Winning a Point

  • A point is won if the shuttlecock hits the ground in the opponent's side, including the lines

  • Losing a point if the shuttlecock hits the net or passes through/under it, or if the player strikes the shuttlecock twice with their racket, or the player touches the net with their body or racket