We are learning to bookmark websites.
We are learning to bookmark websites.
1st steps - bookmarks.webm
Your turn! Bookmark your...
Your turn! Bookmark your...
- Google Drive
- School Website
- Class Site
- Class Blog
- One more (teacher's choice)
TIP: If you can't see your bookmarks press ctrl-shift-b
Race time!
Race time!
Close all your tabs. Who can be the first to get onto these different sites (listen to your teacher)...
Close all your tabs. Who can be the first to get onto these different sites (listen to your teacher)...
Teacher notes:
Teacher notes:
Over the next week encourage students to access these sites through their bookmark bar
If the bookmark bar isn't visible students just need to press ctrl-shift-b
It is worth updating bookmarks at least termly so students can remove any bookmarks they no longer need.
Common mistakes include students having multiple tabs with the same thing e.g. their Drive and students clicking on a bookmark without opening a new tab (essentially losing what they had open on that tab already).