Special Ed & Teacher Ed Trainings

a hand touching a laptop screen with wifi, mortar board hat and gears hovering over it.

General / Teaching Online

External Recorded Trainings

Special Education and Teacher Education Trainings focused on Evidence-Based Practices and Supporting Students with Disabilities

In this FREE webinar, veteran online instructors help identify steps to move online and strategies for adapting the lessons already in motion to this new format. They will share a distilled set of simple, impactful tips as well as resources and tools available to you during the transition.

The Modules Addressing Special Education and Teacher Education (MAST) were created to focus on important topics in special education courses and professional development for teachers. Concepts have broad application for all special education teachers have been formatted in brief modules which may be viewed in about one hour. There are links to resources which may also be accessed for additional information on the topic. This group of OSEP-funded modules is designed for use in courses to prepare special education teachers or for professional development activities with teachers.

External Modules - Course Format

The MIND Institute offers a variety of FREE webinars. Be sure to also check out their Distinguished Speaker Series.

FREE SPED Ahead webinars by PresenceLearning provide access to the leading minds and changemakers in special education. These webinars are designed to stimulate open conversations about ideas and promising practices that will help students with special needs thrive. Luminaries such as Temple Grandin, Barry Prizant, Ross Greene, Randy Sprick, and more will answer today’s tough questions in education and help push the search for effective leadership strategies in some of our most challenging areas.

Trauma-Informed Resilient Schools is a training that teaches school professionals how to create trauma-informed schools and classrooms. The training focuses on resilience, exploring the core values and beliefs of educators and places an emphasis on understanding how trauma impacts children and their school experience. Lastly, proactive strategies such as fostering connections, prioritizing social and emotional skills, establishing safety, and promoting play are presented. This course provides detailed information and concrete actions that answer not just the “why” but also the “how” to create the best classroom and school supports for traumatized students and the school professionals who serve them.

FREE for a limited time. Use the code TRAUMAINFORMED (all caps) at checkout.

Free online course on a variety of topics to support students with autism. Over 80 courses in 7 different categories which include teaching tools, social/communication, behavior, assessment, academic success and collaboration.

External Modules - Course Format

Free online training in a wide variety of topics surrounding the education and support of individuals with disabilities.

External Modules - Course Format

PaTTAN provides FREE professional development and technical assistance training videos on a wide array of topics.

The IRIS Center creates a host of materials and resources about evidence-based instructional and intervention practices. Developed in collaboration with nationally recognized researchers and education experts, these instructional resources—modules, case study units, activities, and a number of Web-based tools—are created for use in college instruction, professional development activities, and independent learning opportunities for practicing educators. Access is FREE.

Other Resources and External Modules - Course Format