Mrs. Danielle Trozzi

welcome to room 19!


Phone: 724-325-1132 x 2407

Hi everyone!  I began my journey working with the AIU in 2012.  Throughout that time, I have worked at DART as well as at Sunrise.  

I've been married to my husband TJ for 7 years.  We have a 4 year old daughter named Eva, and a 2 year old son named Roman.  We also have a dog named Luna.  

I look forward to continuing to work with my Sunrise family, whether it's in person or through a computer screen! I hope that every one stays safe, happy, and keeps a positive attitude.  We will have fun together in Room 8 this year! 

Click the button to go to Mrs. Trozzi's classroom for online learning!

Meet Our Paraprofessional!


My name is Kimberly Stark a.k.a Miss Kimie. I have worked at the AIU since 1999. I’ve been married for 18 years and have three wonderful kids.   I hope you are all doing well!

Stay safe! 


-Miss Kim

Miss Kim and her family