Food Services

Dining Hall 

Dining Hall services are offered for lunch.  A menu is shared via Google Classroom.    

Everyone is expected to follow the Dining Hall rules to ensure order and safety. This includes but is not limited to the following:  

Healthy Eating Guidelines for Snacks and Lunches 

Nutritious snacks are essential to keep students’ energy at appropriate levels to keep them satisfied and attentive to the learning tasks at hand. The determination of a healthy snack is dependent upon labels and packaging and is to the discretion of the Dining Hall supervisors which include the Middle School leaders and teachers.

With 60 nationalities and a transient community, AIS-R is NOT an allergen-free (nut, milk, wheat, fish, etc.) campus and due to our food suppliers, we cannot guarantee that food prepared in our Dining Halls or food brought to school by students is nut/allergen free.

Please find below healthy suggestions for snacks and lunches.



