Middle School weekly

Happy Thursday, middle school community!

Half Day Change And E-Learning Day

Due to a change in Tara Barton’s schedule (our service learning consultant), the half day originally scheduled for Tuesday, Feb 25th, has been moved to Tuesday, March 3rd. Apologies for any inconvenience.

As well as a half day, March 3rd will also be an e-learning day. Each year, AISL hosts two e-learning days. The purpose of e-learning days is to practice the skills of online communication, collaboration and productivity through remote education. Schools throughout the world practice e-learning days regularly, much like fire drills. It is important for schools to be prepared in the event of any type of situation that may make coming to school a challenge or a safety issue.

AISL middle school and high school will be participating in a half day e-learning day Tuesday, March 3rd (this was originally scheduled to be a regular half day, for middle school it will be a Day 2 D,E,F) and Wednesday, April 1. On these days, students will be engaged in meaningful and dynamic learning activities prepared by their subject teachers. These lessons may look different for various classes, as the technology used will best fit the standards and content. It is preferable that students do not come on campus that day to experience the nature of e-learning, however students without adult supervision or struggle with reliable internet use are welcome to come to school these days and report to their classroom teachers. If students do come to school Tuesday, March 3rd, they should be picked up at 11:10 for middle school and 11:20 for high school.

Elementary school students will report to school as usual, where they will be working on e-learning directly with their teachers in the classroom. As always, we thank you for your continued support.

Uniform Policy and Hair Color

AISL prides itself as a diverse school community focused on student learning. Personal presentation is a value as is noted in our policy on appropriate dress. The intent of the AISL elementary, middle and high school Uniform Expectations are to ensure that all students are “conservatively” attired in a manner befitting the AISL private school setting. This includes hair color. As a friendly reminder, hair color should be a natural shade.

Middle School AMIS Choir experience - Madagascar

After School Procedures

This is just a reminder to students and parents concerning procedures at 3:00. Students after school should be picked up directly, move to their buses, or go to their after school activity, teacher assistance or sport. Students who need to wait for a sibling or for a ride should be waiting at the front gate. Students should not be playing/hanging out on campus after school.

Screenagers II

Navigating technology with youngsters is always tricky. High stress, anxiety and depression are experienced by millions of young people. We follow physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston as she discovers solutions for improved adolescent well-being in the digital age. Please join us on February 25th at 5:45pm or February 26th at 8:30am to view the documentary. There will be a follow-up discussion after the showing with our own Mrs. Darlene, the middle school counselor.

Link to confirm attendance: RSVP to attend screening (click)

Kids Beach Garden and AISL Collaborative Beach Clean up

In partnership with Kids Beach Garden, AISL has been challenged to bring out as many people as possible to make this the biggest beach clean-up ever. Join us, Saturday, Feb. 29th, from 7am to 11am at Kids Beach Garden in Lekki.

Carpool with your friends, family and colleagues to join in the cleaning up of our Lagos shoreline. In addition, learn about their Turtle Sanctuary to be launched on March 3rd and tree planting sponsorship opportunities at Kids Beach Garden.

For more information and to let us know you are coming, click HERE.

And that’s the week! Please see below for a summary of upcoming events. Thank you for choosing AISL and allowing us to spend quality time with your children. Have a great weekend and see you next Monday!


John Powell

Middle School Principal


Upcoming Events - Middle School