Faculty and Staff

Last Day to Submit: Friday, January 28, 11:59 p.m. IST


  1. A smartphone with a camera. You can also use a tripod if you have access to one.

  2. A solid color background or wall with no photos, pictures, decor, etc.


  1. Choose a solid color background like a white wall, with no photos, pictures, decor, etc.

  2. Make sure you are facing the light source. The light should be falling on your face.

  3. Get someone else to take your photo. You can also use a tripod but make sure the height is just right.

  4. Make sure you are using the back camera and NOT the selfie camera.

  5. Make sure the camera is at your eye level so you are looking straight at the camera and not looking up or down.

Use this as a guideline to help you take a great portrait photo!


  1. Do not take close-up photos. Ideally, you should be sitting on a chair or stool. There should be ample space on the top, left, and right side of your body.

  2. You should not be leaning against the wall. Make sure there is ample space between you and the background.

  3. Side profile shots: Tilt your shoulders slightly to the right side and face the camera.

  4. Take 3–5 photos in portrait mode so you have options to choose from. Use these photographs as a guide.