Accepted Devices for BYOT

Approved Devices for HS

Full-Featured Laptop

Minimum Specifications

Where to Buy a Device

Devices can be purchased anywhere in the world. The school will facilitate the purchase or lease of a device if necessary. Purchasing a device in India provides the advantage of ensuring proper local warranty service. Prices in India can be comparable but are often higher than in other Asian countries due to import duties.

Please contact with your request for a local vendor if you would like assistance.

Warranty and Insurance

We highly recommend you purchase an extended warranty for your device. Warranties bought in India are more likely to be honored reliably than warranties purchased in other countries.

Our IT partner Tekflair can arrange for the issue of an insurance policy for a device if requested. Contact us at to begin this process.

Apple Macbook 

AISC has fostered strong service relationships with Apple and a large number of students use a Macbook model of some kind. Macbook Airs make up the majority of these. There are numerous advantages to owning a Mac. In addition to the highly regarded Mac OS operating system, all Macs ship with the Apple productivity suite, which includes Pages, Numbers, Keynote, and great software such as iMovie and GarageBand. Apple devices also tend to last a long time, are more environmentally friendly when properly recycled, have fewer technical issues overall, and are more secure than other systems. Apple has highlighted user privacy and security in many of its recent products, and we expect this trend to continue. Apple’s recent shift to its own integrated processors may seem like a technical detail, but in real world experience this means fast, secure tools, and the longest battery life in the industry. Apple has also opened its online storefront in India, and all its devices can be serviced internationally, no matter where they are purchased.

Windows Laptops — HP and Dell

The local vendors for HP and Dell have been reliable and timely with their service and honoring of international warranties for many but not all models. For this reason, we strongly recommend sticking with our recommended devices if you purchase a Windows-based laptop outside of India. Whatever model you purchase outside India, ensure that it comes with an international warranty, which may come at an extra cost.