2019 News

Find House of Science's news articles for 2019 here.

November 2019

 AIMS Women in STEM Workshop

 Initiative hosts the annual Mentoring and Networking Event

The AIMS Women in STEM (AIMSWIS) Initiative held its annual Mentoring and Networking Event on 30 November 2019, at AIMS South Africa, under the theme “breaking the glass ceiling”. This year’s theme served as a call to direct attention to and celebrate 

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November 2019

Maryam Mirzakhani

Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize Up for Women Mathematicians 

The Breakthrough Prize Foundation announced the Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize, to be awarded to outstanding women in the field of mathematics Each year, the $50.000 Prize will be awarded to early-career women mathematicians who ... For Information ... 

November 2019

International Day of Mathematics 

UNESCO has Proclaimed March 14 as the International Day of Mathematics 

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has  Proclaimed March 14 as the International Day of Mathematics. The Proclamation, with the intention of celebrating the beauty of mathematics, took place on Tuesday, ... For Information ... 

November 2019

Evander's Journal club talk

AIMS South Africa Master's student looks at developing an algorithm for translating African Languages

Africa boasts so much diversity in languages but ironically has the world’s most under-resourced languages. This was the grim reality that prompted a current research project by AIMS South Africa MSc student Mr Evander Nyoni  The research project,     ... For Information ...

October 2019

AIMS Women in STEM mentoring Lunch

AIMSWIS Mentoring Lunches set to empower women students

On 25 and 31 October, the AIMS Women in STEM (AIMSWIS) initiative had the pleasure of hosting two phenomenal women in mathematics Dr Magdaleen Marais and Prof. Lijun Zhang. Dr Marais is an extraordinary lecturer at the University of Pretoria, a ... For Information ...

October 2019 

Public lecture by Dr Daniel Nickelsen

The public lecture explores the interface between basic and applied research

The 6th Muizenberg Festival took place from 7 to 13 October 2019. AIMS South Africa together with the Muizenberg Festival brought together experts from both basic and applied research in a riveting public lecture themed “Basic versus Applied Research” on ... For Information ... 

September 2019

AIMS Women in STEM

Kick-Off Events for AIMS Women in STEM 

On September 20, 2019, AIMS House of Science organised a meet and greet meeting for the new structured masters' students. The purpose of the meeting was to provide a platform for the new structured masters' students to meet and establish  ... For Information ...

September 2019

University students visit AIMS South Africa

Research/study visit at AIMS: UL and WSU undergraduate students gain exposure to careers in mathematical sciences 

On the 19 and 20 September, AIMS South Africa had the pleasure of hosting two groups of students pursuing undergraduate studies in mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, and computer science from the universities of Limpopo (UL) and    ... For Information ... 

August 2019

ASSAF Quest Magazine 

AIMS Highlights the use of Machine Learning in Astronomy and Cosmology 

AIMS South Africa resident researcher Dr Michelle Lochner published an article on how machine learning is used in astronomy and cosmology in the August 2019 issue of the Academy of Science of South Africa ( ASSAF) Quest magazine 

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August 2019

Women's Month

Celebrating the life and legacy
of Dr Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer

AIMS South Africa has recently strengthened its partnership with the South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF) to enhance the delivery of the AIMS House of Science and AIMSSEC programmatic frameworks, following the signing of a Memorandum ... For Information ...

July 2019

2019 National Science Week Launch

AIMS Highlights Mathematics' Contributions to Climate Research & Communication 

On 27 July AIMS joined over 70 science, technology, and innovation (STI) exhibitors from across the country at the official Launch of the 2019 National Science Week (NSW). The theme for 2019 is “Facing the harsh realities of climate change”, serving as a    ... For Information ... 

July 2019

Public Lecture by Mr Musanje Mweene

Artificial Intelligence That Respects Your Right to Privacy

Science fiction films often depict Artificial Intelligence (AI) as mere robots that can perform human tasks. Well, they are not far off, but there is more to AI than meets the eye. For Aerobotics’ Senior Data Scientist, Mr Munsanje Mweene, gave a Public Lecture       ... For Information ...

June 2019

Public lecture by Dr. Simon Singh

Mathematics is an internal
game played by mathematicians according to the rules set out by the mathematics community

“Mathematics is an internal game played by mathematicians according to the rules set out by the mathematics community,” said Dr Simon Singh, British author, journalist, and television producer during his public lecture titled: ‘The Science of         ... For Information ... 

June 2019

AIMSWIS Mentoring Session

 An Evening with Dr. Tendai Mugwagwa

AIMS alumni Dr Tendai Mugwagwa gave a mentoring talk titled “An evening with Dr Tendai Mugwagwa" to AIMS South Africa students and researchers on Thursday, 6 June 2019. Dr Mugwagwa, who was at AIMS South Africa as a participant of the Meaningful ... For Information ... 

June 2019

SAWMSA Workshop and Launch

Harnessing the leadership and agency of women in the field for the transformation agenda

Women have been historically underrepresented in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) professions worldwide. The situation (underrepresentation of women) is substantial in Africa. According to estimates by the  ... For Information ... 

May 2019

AIMS House of Science

 National Science Week 2019 Planning Workshop in Johannesburg

AIMS House of Science Manager Dr Rejoyce Gavhi-Molefe represented AIMS South Africa during the National Science Week (NSW) 2019 planning meeting that took place on 13 May 2019 The goal of the meeting was to brief different role players

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May 2019

Inaugural International Women in Mathematics Day

AIMS South Africa Celebrated the Inaugural International Women in Mathematics Day

In celebration of the first-ever International Women in Mathematics Day, AIMS South Africa held a round table discussion to celebrate women in mathematics, ahead of the day on Saturday, May 11 The discussion was aimed at celebrating women’s 

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May 2019

AIMS & African Gong Partnership

AIMS South Africa & African Gong signed MoU for public engagement training and capacity building on the African continent

AIMS-South Africa has established a new partner to further enhance the programmatic delivery framework of the AIMS House of Science programmatic framework, following the completion of  a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with 

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May 2019

Public Lecture by Dr Michelle Lochner

The Rise of the Machine in our Quest to Understand the Universe

Machine learning is very much in your life”, enunciated Dr Michelle Lochner during her public lecture at AIMS-South Africa. Dr Lochner gave a public lecture on machine learning: ‘the rise of the machines in our quest to understand the Universe’ 

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May 2019

House of Science visit in AIMS Ghana 

AIMSWIS Mentoring Session at the Cross-Pollination in Mathematics Education Workshop in Ghana

With the objective of increasing the pipeline of students progressing into secondary and tertiary mathematics education, and to decreasing the failure or drop-out rate of mathematics students at all levels, AIMS Ghana in partnership with Supporting 

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April 2019

House of Science Intern

AIMS welcomed new intern Ms Karabo Makola

From 1 April, Ms Karabo Makola has been appointed as House of Science intern at AIMS South Africa. She will work closely with Dr. Rejoyce Gavhi-Molefe and the communications team in the development of the newly launched House of Science Initiative 

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March 2019

AIMS Women in STEM Mentoring Lunch

 Dr Elena Dimitrova share her experience as a female scientist with AIMS women students and researchers

The AIMS Women in STEM (AIMSWIS) initiative had the privilege of having Dr. Elena Dimitrova as a speaker at their mentoring lunches. The mentoring lunches were held on 26 March and 2 April 2019, at AIMS South Africa The purpose of the mentoring ... For Information ... 

March 2019

Pan-African Mathematics Olympiad (PAMO)

27th edition of the Pan-African Mathematics Olympiad (PAMO) hosted at AIMS South Africa

Morocco was ranked the top team at PAMO 2019, followed by host country South Africa in second place and Tunisia in third place. Other participating countries, in no particular order, were Botswana, Ghana, Malawi, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and 

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March 2019

Pi - day Celebration in Rwanda 

AIMS House of Science showcased the mathematics behind animated movies at Pi Day Celebration in Rwanda

AIMS House of Science manager, Dr. Rejoyce Gavhi-Molefe attended the second Pi-day (3.14) event that took place on 14 March 2019 at the University of Rwanda. The main purpose of Dr. Gavhi-Molefe’s visit to Rwanda was to engage and consult with 

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January 2019

Academic Mentoring Retreat 

AIMS House of Science dabbled in Academic Mentoring Retreat at the University of the Free State 

Dr Gavhi-Molefe participated in a 3-day academic mentoring training on leadership, mentoring and career planning. The event was part of the University of the Free State Qwaqwa Campus’ new mentorship initiative to help boost the presence of Black 

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