
The worldwide team of lecturers of the School is composed of some of the best experts from 5 different countries, having deep and different backgrounds in Data Science/Probability-Statistics.

The lectures include:

  • “Randomized numerical linear Algebra” by Bubacarr Bah (German Research Chair of Mathematics of Data Science, and head of AIMS South Africa Data Science Research Group, AIMS South Africa: https://sites.google.com/aims.ac.za/bubacarr)

  • “Analysis of large databases” by Malgorzata Bogdan (expert in High Dimensional Statistics, University of Wroclaw, Poland, invited professor of University of Stanford, co-author of the book “Phenotypes and Genotypes: Search for Influential Genes”: http://www.math.uni.wroc.pl/~mbogdan/)

  • Statistical methods for spatial data science by Sophie Dabo-Niang (expert in Functional Data Analysis and Spatial Statistics, University of Lille and INRIA-MODAL, France, chair of the Committee of Developing Countries of European Mathematical Society; EMS-CDC, co-author of the books "Functional and Operatorial Statistics, Springer- Verlag, New-York"; "Mathematical Modeling and Study of Random or Deterministic Phenomena,Wiley"; https://sites.google.com/view/sophie-dabo-niang/)

  • “Modern Graphical Models” by Piotr Graczyk (expert in Probability and Analysis applied to Statistics, University of Angers, France, editor and co-author of “Modern Methods of Multivariate Statistics”, Travaux en Cours 82, Hermann, Paris, 2014: https://math.univ-angers.fr/~graczyk/

  • "Complex networks, embedding methods and applications" by Franck Kalala Mutombo (expert in Complex networks, data science, differential geometry, Numerical Methods of PDE's, University of Lubumbashi, DRC and former academic director of AIMS Senegal.)

  • “High dimensional statistics based on random matrix theory” by Jianfeng Yao (expert in Theory of random matrices and applications to high dimensional Statistics, University of Hong Kong, co-author of a book on “Large Sample covariance matrices and High dimensional Data Analysis”: http://web.hku.hk/~jeffyao/index.html).

How to participate

For all wishing to take part please click here to apply.

For those based outside South Africa please click here to apply for CIMPA financial support.

Closing date for applications: 20 April 2022

Registration and logistics: research-admin@aims.ac.za