Computer Science & Engineering



Ø A technical paper should be in IEEE format.

Ø The content of paper should be not more than 5 pages.

Ø The topic selected must be original and technically relevant.

Ø A paper can have maximum of two authors.

Ø Full length paper must be sent to respective departmental email id on or before 15th May.

Ø Intimation of paper acceptance will be on 16thMay 2017.

Ø Two hard copies must be produced at the time of presentation.

Ø Time duration for paper presentation is 8+2 minutes.

Topics are limited to

1. Vehicular area networks

2. Controller area networks

3. Artificial Intelligence

4. Machine learning

Staff coordinators

Dr. Mahesh Kaluti. K - 8884035393

Mrs. Vidya - 9535617836

Student coordinators

Deviprasad Shetty - 9535565054

Prarthana MJ - 9008464432

Mr. Tejas Naik - 9900648357

Ms. Pooja T Shetty - 8546882076

CLUE-A DAY ( Auto Clue Coding )


Ø Team of Two members

Ø No registration Fee

Ø Problem will be given related to Motoring

Ø Time Limit -60 mins

Ø There will be 2 rounds

Program Writing

Program Execution

Staff coordinator

Mr. Hemanth Kumar NP - 9620000690

Miss. Mangala Kini - 9481019201

Student coordinators

Samson Immanuel - 9008920143

Kaveri Gunjiganvi - 8747997610

BRIGHT SPARKS ( Tech Quiz Auto )


Ø Technical Auto Quiz

Ø Each team comprises of maximum 2 members.

Ø Event is open to all branches.

Ø No Registration fees.

Ø Time Limit -60 mins

Ø There will be 2 rounds

o Preliminary round: Written Test

o Final round: Technical quiz

For Final round only 4 groups will be selected

Staff coordinator

Mr. Vivek Sharma - 9449473728

Miss. Shilpa - 9008873670

Student coordinators

Shetty Kavya Diwakar - 9845685643

Saipriya - 9747019880

AUTO-XSITE PRO ( Interface Designing )


Ø Auto Interface Design based on user experience

Ø Team of two members

Ø Time Limit -90 mins

Ø Problem will be given related to Motoring

Ø Event is open to all branches.

No Registration fees.

Staff coordinator

Mr. Stanley P D’Souza - 9845016965

Mrs. Vineetha Pais - 9739806688

Student coordinators

Anvitha Shubhaveer - 9480543147

Aishwarya Saraswati - 8497865128



➢ Auto Modelling using Computer graphics

➢ Team of two members

➢ Time Limit -120 mins

➢ Auto Model will be given

➢ Event is open to all branches.

➢ No Registration fees.

Staff coordinator

Mr. Parikshith Nayak - 9663177904

Mrs. Arundhati Nelli - 9008450807

Student coordinators

Prajwal Shetty - 9980582108

Nikitha Kale - 9902759460


Staff coordinators

Mr. Tahir Naquash - 9036937955

Dr. Mahesh Kaluti - 8884035393

Student coordinators

Samson Immanuel - 9008920143

Prarthana MG - 9008464432