Global Studies

*Welcome image retrieved from:

Hello Students and Families!

Welcome to 8th grade Global Studies! We are about to start an exciting year with a lot of exciting topics to learn about and discuss! To get started with our course, you will want to visit the the other pages on our course Google Site. Our course site will be for both students and families to utilize to stay up to date on what is going on in Global Studies and will provide you access to our course syllabus, contact information for your teacher, sites that you can use as resources in our course, a link to my blog that I will update regularly, and information on current world events. I will keep our resources updated, links to our class blog, and other course related information in our course site. I will always be adding new resources to the resource page, so this is a great place to visit to discover some of the resources we will be using this year.

All of our digital assignments will be found in Google Classroom. Please view the introductory slideshow in the Intro to Course page before doing anything else as this will help you navigate the many ways we will be utilizing Google Classroom this year.

Finally, I use the texting application, Remind, to send out periodic reminders about upcoming deadlines for assignments and projects, as well as reminders about upcoming summative assessments. Be sure to visit the "Contact Mr. Peltier" page for instructions on how to sign up. I encourage both students and families to utilize this communication tool.

Mr. Peltier