28 June 2024


Headmistress' Introduction

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope this letter finds you well. 

Another extremely busy week at AHS.  Throughout the 5 days, has been Diversity Week, with daily events to celebrate all students in our School community, to reinforce our Belonging Strategy that embeds our message of how important each unique young person is.  More detail below.

On Wednesday, we hosted a Socratic Society Talk - ‘Do we need God to ground ethics?’ 

We welcomed all new Year 6 parents and students on Wednesday evening. We are very excited about our new Year 7s and looking forward to growing our AHS community; they are all super welcome. 

On Thursday, we also welcomed both our fantastic Year 11s who we hope will stay with us into the Sixth Form and our external applicants for Sixth Form Induction Day, again super welcome!

Today, we opened our doors again to host prospective parents, carers and students to our Open Morning.  A gentle reminder to all our existing parents and carers that they are also incredibly welcome to come and see the School in action on these days, or indeed at any other time should they wish to do so.

And finally, Year 12 are visiting Nottingham University Open Day today, to tour facilities and accommodation, and speak to their staff and students; we hope a very informative and inspiring day.

Sport this week

This week, we competed in the District Athletics Championships. The results are below.

Y7 - 3rd place

Y8 - 1st place

Y9 - 3rd place

Y10 - 1st place

Overall Aylesbury High School came in 1st place making us the:

2024 District Athletic Champions!


A fun after school tournament of Rounders for our Y8s, with excellent hits and catches from all, but notable catches by Bea, Jess, Millie and Sammy.

Final results: Royal Latin 1st, Waddesdon 2nd, AHS 3rd and PRS 4th.


Congratulations to Amy who competed in the Beechborough and Brackley Triathlon last week.  She told me, “I found it fun - mostly because there was a crȇpe van on site!!  It took Amy about 30 minutes to complete because she had to swim 300m, cycle 5k and run another 2.5k.   It was a brilliant achievement, well done Amy!

Mrs Sole-Bradley, Director of PE

Greenpower Racing - Ford Dunton test track Saturday 22nd June

On Saturday, the Greenpower racing team headed for Essex for the final race this term. With a very narrow chicane section, there were several minor crashes (not AHS), leading to the race being stopped quite a few times but everyone had a chance to drive and the car performed well until the last few minutes of the second race. We will now be working on improvements to the car, along with trying to get a second car running ready for next year. The team was Lucy, Iona, Meg Ayla, Zakeyah, Evie, Ellie and Caitie. We meet at lunchtime on Tuesdays in the workshop and new members are always welcome. 

We are always looking for sponsors and are hoping to have space on the team gazebo available for company logos. This will appear at all events and will appear on our team photos, here in the newsletter and on our Instagram page. Space will be available for £15 for each 10cm by 10cm section, with any multiple of adjoining spaces available. Do get in touch if you know of any companies that might be interested in buying a space. To give an idea of some of the costs, each race costs £105 to enter, a set of batteries is £140 and a replacement motor is £180. This is a great way of encouraging students into STEM subjects and helps them build a whole range of valuable skills. The students basically run everything!

Mr Sparkes

Diversity Week 2024

It's been a jam-packed week recognising the wonderful diversity we have at Aylesbury High School.  Students have embraced the opportunity to celebrate a whole range of different aspects of our identities and it's been a joy to see everyone coming together to recognise and promote the welcoming environment we are so proud of at AHS - a place where everyone feels that they belong. This has included an assembly from our ID ambassadors, film screenings, a colour run, cultural performances and country catwalk, a Pride Parade, diversity stalls and a diversity week disco today.  A big thank you to all those who supported and participated and in particular, the passionate champions of Inclusion and Diversity we have among our ID students.

Mr Pitchers, Assistant Head (Personal Development)

Year 11 Prom: Mission Accomplished

Last week’s Year 11 Prom, themed around the iconic world of 007, concluded AHSA’s calendar of events for this year and we are thrilled to report that it was a great success. 

The venue was transformed into a glamorous James Bond scene, complete with James Bond style cars adorning both sides of the red carpeted entrance. Upon entering the venue, our very special agents were greeted with martini mocktails complete with casino style cocktail sticks. 

Beyond the décor, props, and music, the true life of the party were our 278 special agents, dazzling us with their style and elegance.

The dance floor was alive with excitement and energy, with the talented DJ playing the latest hits, as well as some classic party anthems, and our students showcasing their finest moves. 

The photobooth, complete with fun props that complemented the Bond theme, proved very popular as usual.  We hope everyone created and captured beautiful memories to cherish for a lifetime.

We would like to take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks to the parent volunteers whose hard work and dedication made the night possible. 

A special thank you goes to Mrs Taylor for facilitating all of our Prom Committee meetings and to all of the Prom Committee girls for setting out the vision for the evening. We extend our deepest gratitude to AHS and AGS teachers who attended the event and helped with the smooth running of it. 

Many thanks to our sponsors: Thorne Lancaster Parker Chartered Accountants and Haddenham Garden Centre.

As we reflect on this event, we are eager to hear your thoughts.  Please share your feedback through the link below; your suggestions will help us improve future events.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer!

The AHSA Committee 

Feedback Form

Product Design and Engineering at AHS

We are continuing our interviews with Heads of Department to help parents get a flavour of our different subject areas.  Today the focus is on Product Design and Engineering and we have a catch up with Mark Potkin, the Head of Product Design and Engineering.  Please also take this opportunity to look at the subject content summary for Product Design and Engineering which can be found on our website.

Can you give us an overview of the Product Design and Engineering curriculum at AHS?

When students start with us in Year 7 we set a baseline expectation of achievement. We get to understand what experience they have had in Design and Technology before starting at the school.

During the first year at Aylesbury High School we help to build key skills in the use of basic workshop tools, equipment, processes and, very importantly, Health and Safety.  We enable our students to work with and have a knowledge of a range of materials, joining techniques, machines and processes including laser cutting, 3D printing and CAD.  In Year 7 the students produce a maze using pine, MDF and acrylic. They have a bit of freedom with the design and it’s always good to see how they can add extra complexity to their work.

In Year 8 they build upon the skills they have learnt and have more independence in their design; they use their skills in tool use and CAD/CAM to produce a commercially viable lamp.

By Year 9 they now understand the use of tools and CAD/CAM and how it can apply to a project. They use their knowledge of tools, processes and equipment with some skill and precision to produce a wooden game of their choice. I think I have seen every variation of every possible game now.

We are in a very fortunate position to be able to offer GCSE Engineering to our students. We have run this successfully now for a few years. Those choosing this option learn a wider range of techniques in manufacturing and how to incorporate mechanisms and electronics into their own designs. The students produce a range of projects during Year 10 and gain hands on knowledge.  They also begin to produce more complex technical drawings and evaluate/assess the processes.

The electronics learnt involves more complex circuits than those produced in Year 7 and 8 and they use the skills gained in soldering. They learn how to read a circuit schematic and program them; there are similarities to Computing here.  The course progresses into building different mechanical, pneumatic and structural systems similar to those learnt during KS3 Physics and DT lessons.

During Year 11 the GCSE students work on a non examined assessment project set by the AQA examination board. The students use knowledge gained through Key Stage 3 and Year 10 activities to produce this piece. They will also spend time learning the theory knowledge required through practice examination questions and activities.

A Level Product Design is a great course for those looking to pursue a university degree and career in Design or Engineering. Previous students have gone into courses such as Aerospace, Medical and Sports Engineering, as well as other design courses.  In Year 12 students learn advanced techniques such as steam bending and they produce complex practical pieces and learn the theory required in design. There are high expectations of quality and detail early on in the course.  In Year 13, the focus is predominantly on the NEA allowing students to produce a body of work that is context led. The students decide on their own context and work closely with a client. The purpose of this is to demonstrate their understanding of both theory and the manufacturing process, evidenced as a practical outcome/working prototype. This will also enable the students to build a portfolio of work that they could use during interviews at a university.

Why do you think this curriculum suits students at AHS?

Design and Technology is a subject that uses aspects of Maths, Computing and Physics to enable students to work on 2D and 3D forms using technical knowledge. They are able to manipulate materials into desired shapes using tools and machines. There are elements of risk and creativity involved that challenge the students. It is a different type of classroom environment where they are able to move around the room and create ideas.

What are the recent developments in your curriculum and how have you decided on any changes you have made?

We have been working more using 3D printing across the year groups. We experiment with different software to see which works best. Technology and machinery is always changing and we are lucky to have a lot of the latest 3D printers and laser cutters.

How are students assessed in Product Design and Engineering?

Students are assessed in 4 key sections: research, design, planning and making and evaluation. We try to assess this work in different ways depending on the project with both written and verbal feedback. Practical work is always assessed as a group so the students can get feedback from peers and the teacher.  GCSE and A level students are assessed in a similar way 

How does the Product Design and Engineering curriculum prepare our students for life beyond AHS?

Students learn more about the environment they live and interact in. They will come to understand the way things are built and how they work. They will all need to be able to use tools and machines at different points in their life beyond school.

What are the features of the Product Design and Engineering curriculum that you are most proud of?

I am proud of the amazing ideas and practical pieces that the students come up with every term. There are always pieces of work that stand out either as exceptionally made or very creative in the thought processes that went into it. The GCSE and A Level work incorporates a lot of design work. Some of these pieces of work stand out and look so professional.

How can parents help their daughter with Product Design and Engineering work?

I often hear from the students that I teach that they are unable to access tools or machines they can use at home. They have also not been able to access them in their junior schools either. I was fortunate to be able to tinker with tools and machines from an early age. I found that the more I practised the better my work became. The same could be said for a lot of subjects that you learn at school. You don’t need a workshop to be able to enjoy this subject, either. There are kits available to buy that enable children to build all sorts of creations. Even if it is something as simple as Lego or Meccano.

What co-curricular opportunities does the Product Design and Engineering department offer?

We have a couple of clubs that students can join. There is a Year 7 Technology Club where students can work on small projects. The Greenpower racing car runs in one of the workshops, where students of different ages work on a battery powered car that competes at various well known circuits.  There are smaller projects that students work on too. We have competed in ‘Rampaging Chariots’ for a few years now. A small team of students build a radio controlled robot that competes with those built in other schools and colleges. We have entered a Year 12 team of 6 students for a few years in the Engineering Enterprise Programme. They are sponsored by a company and have weekly meetings. They research and build an often quite complex machine. This year they designed a deep space probe. The programme is linked to the ‘Engineering Development Trust’. We have entered and received Silver and Gold CREST awards for these students too.  Additionally, we have catch up clubs for each year group where they can continue to work on the piece that they are producing in lessons. This is especially useful for GCSE and A Level students but is open to all.

What are you reading at the moment?

I enjoy a bit of science fiction reading when I can. I am currently reading a collection of stories by Isaac Asimov.

What do our students say about studying Product Design and Engineering at AHS?

Link to videos:

What are DT lessons like at AHS?.mov

What is your favourite thing about DT lessons?.mov

What is your most memorable DT lesson or topic?.mov

Are you going to choose GCSE Engineering?.mov

KS3 perspective.mp4

Y10 perspective.mp4

Things to do during the summer holidays -  Bucks Family Information Service

Please click on this link to see some information provided by Buckinghamshire Council 

Wishing all well for a lovely weekend, and thank you, as ever, for your support.

Marieke Forster 


The AHS School Fund 

The AHS Fund helps us to enrich the curriculum and develop the school's facilities to ensure that every student is able to fulfil their potential, wherever their strengths lie. Support from our Parents, our Alumnae and our wider community allows us to provide the outstanding education you expect and the students deserve. 

 Please click here for further information AHS School Fund