Friday 14 June 2024


Headmistress' Introduction

Another busy week at AHS.  

Congratulations to our students who took part U15 England Handball National Finals; sadly, not a win but they played brilliantly and it was an incredibly competitive field.  Congratulations also to all the students who did their D of E Bronze Award practice expedition last weekend and good luck to those who are doing it this weekend.  Thank you, as ever, to all staff, parents and carers for their support with all these events.

On Tuesday we held our annual Art and Textiles Summer Showcase.  Mrs Hartwell has written a piece below but unfortunately, as the art is part of the public examination work, we may not include it at this time.    

On Wednesday evening, we welcomed Mirjam Schilling, a virologist. Mrs Brittain has written a little more below. 

On Thursday, we had our inaugural Community Careers Event; please see the pictures above and below and some further details.

Well done to our Year 11s and 13s who are still sitting exams.  You are doing brilliantly and are one week closer to finishing!  Good luck to all!

Sport this week 


U13 AHS 12 - 0 Wycombe Abbey

U15 AHS 12 - 0 Wycombe Abbey


The Schools' Game Cricket Festival took place yesterday.  We took a number of girls to this event at Waddesdon Cricket Club.  Players learnt skills and how to develop them.  When put into a game situation we won comfortably and all had a very enjoyable day.


We are still awaiting the results from last Saturday's athletics meeting but will let you know as soon as we do.  Congratulations to all our students who took part and thank you to staff, parents and carers for their support.

Community Careers Event

On Thursday afternoon, we welcomed a range of AHS Alumnae and members of the AHS community to talk to Y10 about professional skills, career pathways and to offer advice about the world of work. This new event builds upon the opportunity that students have when visiting our Annual Careers Fair in November.  We were delighted to have members of the AHS community, including three sisters (banner above) being so generous with their time, reflecting on their career journeys and answering students' questions.  

Volunteers’ Week 2024 - celebrating the value of volunteering through DofE

This year AHS students participating in DofE at Bronze, Silver and Gold level, committed 4238 hours to volunteering to our wider community. This time has a societal value of £22,375. We’re proud of all the young people dedicating their time and energy to volunteering and we’re grateful to the adults supporting them through the DofE programme.  


We know volunteering changes lives for the better – that’s why it’s an integral part of the DofE programme. It’s more than just giving time; thousands of young people explain how their DofE volunteering helped them develop a passion for a cause or learn new skills that set them up for their future. 

Summer Show Case Art and Design and Textiles 

It was lovely to see so many people at the Summer Showcase on Tuesday celebrating the successes of our GCSE and A Level cohort. The work is outstanding and such a delight to see on show. The students have showed great engagement throughout the two years and each year the standard gets higher with really innovative and risk taking pieces. We wish all our students the best for results day in August. 

Suzanne Hartwell and Ellie Taylor. 

Live Parent Webinar: How to Help Your Child Alleviate Stress 

Tuesday 18th June 6:00-7:00pm  

Please click here to register


Various year groups being on study leave or preparing for End of Year exams made for a small but enthusiastic group of possible future virologists at our last STEM talk of the year on Wednesday. Dr Mirjam Schilling shared her love of all things virus related and reminded us that not all viruses are bad.  Many, many questions were asked and answered enthusiastically and we hope for her return next year. A massive thank you to Sam McKee who organises all the speakers. 

Politics at AHS

We are continuing our interviews with Heads of Department to help parents get a flavour of our different subject areas.  Today the focus is on Politics and we have a catch up with Jo Quesne, the Head of Politics.  Please also take this opportunity to look at the subject content summary for Politics which can be found on our website.

Can you give us an overview of the Politics curriculum at AHS?

Politics is taught at A-Level and we follow the Edexcel A-Level specification. We study the UK and USA systems of government and also look at how representation and democracy work in both countries. The specification also includes a unit looking at political ideologies.

Why do you think this curriculum suits students at AHS?

The curriculum for Politics enables AHS students to get to grips with the vital political issues of current times, and to engage with the core debates surrounding power and accountability. As we are all aware, we are living through one of the most dramatic political times of recent memory, and the curriculum for Politics helps students to navigate the twists and turns of modern events. 

What are the recent developments in your curriculum and how have you decided on any changes you have made?

The great thing about politics is that the content is continually changing and being updated in relation to political events. As teachers, we keep abreast of the news and key stories of the time and share these with our students.  It is also great to see our students debating topical issues and referencing relevant material themselves.  At the moment, we are enjoying the additional focus on our subject with the forthcoming election and the plethora of information demonstrates why it is really important for our students to be able to think critically about the headlines presented to them.

How are students assessed in Politics?

The A-Level is formally assessed in the summer exams in Y13. Progress throughout the course is checked with essays that are set for students, to help build confidence in the exam technique. We also do regular quizzes to help reinforce knowledge and understanding.  

How does the Politics curriculum prepare our students for life beyond AHS?

The Politics course gives students a fantastic awareness and understanding of our modern world and how power works. Our students go on to study a large range of subjects, with some of the most popular being Law and International Relations. It enables students to understand the systems that underpin all of our lives, as well as how people can challenge power and make change. It equips students with excellent skills of debate and analysis and the ability to pull together complex arguments.

What are the features of the Politics curriculum that you are most proud of?

I am most proud of how incredibly relevant the content of the course is. I am writing this 5 weeks before the next general election, and we have happily spent the week studying the various campaign pledges and key election moments. There is no other subject where the content is literally being written by the hour, and this is the aspect that I find most rewarding.

How can parents help their daughter with Politics work?

Discussing and debating topical issues is always a brilliant way to help your child engage with politics and the wider world.

What co-curricular opportunities does the Politics department offer?

We hold a weekly History and Politics discussion group, which has been very successful in recent years. We also run an annual trip to the UK Parliament and A-Level Politics conferences in London.

What are you reading at the moment?

‘No Way Out’ by Tim Shipman that looks at the complexities around Brexit and Theresa May’s government.

Student Led Assembly

This week the politics students made an assembly about elections and the election process. We apologise for the unintended upset caused when discussing voting behaviour. This was not the intention of the students, and was subsequently amended.  Thank you for your support.

Wishing all well for a lovely weekend, and, as ever, thank you for your support.

Marieke Forster 

The AHS School Fund 

The AHS Fund helps us to enrich the curriculum and develop the school's facilities to ensure that every student is able to fulfil their potential, wherever their strengths lie. Support from our Parents, our Alumnae and our wider community allows us to provide the outstanding education you expect and the students deserve. 

 Please click here for further information AHS School Fund