Computer Science

COMPUTER SCIENCE                                                  AQA 8525

Why study Computer Science?

The course will develop computational thinking, analysis and problem-solving skills through the study of computer programming, giving students an enjoyable and interesting way to develop these skills, which can be transferred to other subjects and even applied in day-to-day life. In most cases, students who take A Level Computer Science have studied it at GCSE. 

Where will success in GCSE Computer Science take me?

The increasing importance of information technologies means there will be a growing demand for professionals who are qualified in this area.  The course provides excellent preparation for higher study in the field of computer science. Furthermore, it prepares students who want to study or work in numerous areas that rely on these skills. These areas include engineering, financial and resource management, science, medicine, business, media, teaching and fashion.

How is the course organised?

In Year 10 and 11, you cover the body of knowledge required for the exams.  You will learn about: 

Unit 1 -  Computational thinking and problem solving

Computational thinking, code tracing, problem-solving, programming concepts including the design of effective algorithms and the designing, writing, testing and refining of code. 

Pupils will be expected to answer a mix of multiple choice, short answer and longer answer questions assessing programming, practical problem-solving and computational thinking skills.  

Unit 2  - Computing concepts

Theoretical knowledge including: Fundamentals of data representation, Computer systems, Fundamentals of computer networks, Cyber security, Relational databases and structured query language (SQL), Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology on wider society, including issues of privacy. 

Pupils will be expected to answer a mix of multiple choice, short answer, longer answer and extended response questions assessing SQL programming skills and theoretical knowledge. 

How is it assessed?

Unit 1                   50% Written paper                 2 hours                 

Unit 2                   50% Written paper                 1 ¾ hours          

How can I find out more?

See Mr Petty (Head of Computing) or the Computer Science Subject Ambassadors. Have a look at the AQA website where you will find the specification: