PE (Core)

The Physical Education course at Key Stage 4 is run on a modular basis.  It is a compulsory National Curriculum subject for everyone.

Why study PE?

During Key Stage 4, students tackle a wide range of activities, where students are encouraged to get involved in physical activity that is mainly focused on competing or performing, promoting health and well-being, developing personal fitness and leadership.

How is the course organised?

Although there is an emphasis on individual performance, the areas of coaching and officiating are also explored. These areas are covered in depth through the activities of health-related fitness (circuit training and how to train/learn to compete), rounders, volleyball, basketball, aerobics, handball, 5-a-side football, run for fun and badminton.

Students study the principles of fitness and health and will cultivate a knowledge and understanding of the following:

How is it assessed?

The Level 1 Qualification in Sports Leadership, run by Sports Leaders UK, benefits students by creating leadership skills for life, becoming more qualified; experienced; employable; community minded; ambitious and active.  The course is broken down into two units:

Unit 1   Establishing leadership skills

Unit 2   Plan, assist in leading and review sport/physical activity 

There will be the opportunity to accredit your achievements through this national award scheme if you wish.

How can I find out more?

See Mrs Sole-Bradley (Director of Sport) and the PE Team.