Date: March 13th, 20th, 27th, and April 3rd, 2024. Time: 4:00pm-8:00pm

The ACE Bootcamp held in March-April 2024 welcomed a cohort of 14 exceptional participants, marking another milestone in the program's commitment to cultivating talent in the machining workforce. Under the guidance of Dr. Aixi Zhou, PhD, PE, Dr. James David Kribs, Instructor Alexander Jarrett Martin, and the ACE Team, the bootcamp provided hands-on training and collaborative learning opportunities, empowering participants to develop their skills and expertise in CNC machining. 

13 participants, drawn from the esteemed AET-273 course, showcased their dedication to advancing their knowledge, while 1 participant, an NCAT alumni recruited outside the university curriculum, exemplified the program's inclusive approach to talent development. The bootcamp at ACE Hub in North Carolina at N.C. A&T was instrumental in creating a transformative experience for all involved, equipping participants with the tools and confidence to pursue rewarding careers in machining.

Simultaneously, the ACE program expanded its reach through an engaging and informative online section, attracting a diverse audience of 177 individuals eager to explore the world of CNC machining. Promoted by Triet Phan, MBA, as Program Coordinator, the online section provided a dynamic platform for participants to delve into the intricacies of machining from the comfort of their own homes ( 

Through targeted social media campaigns and strategic outreach efforts, attendees gained access to cutting-edge resources and expert-led tutorials, enhancing their understanding of CNC machining's fundamentals and real-world applications. This section not only facilitated learning but also fostered a sense of community among participants, laying the foundation for future successes in the manufacturing industry.

Happy New Year 2024!

True Brimage

1st Place in Assembly Competition

Robert Neely

2nd Place in Assembly Competition

Amrit Stewart

Brandon Cason

Cary Dozier

Celeste Yvanna Allen

Dallas Davis

Donovan Vinson

Emmanuel Ogungbemi

Luis Yoshizaki-Hernandez

Marian Hinton

Muhammad Umair Ali

Robert K Wilson

Schyler Parris

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True Brimage

True Brimage, a rising junior majoring in Automotive Engineering Tech at NCAT, embarked on his ACE journey with a hunger for knowledge beyond the confines of grades or class credits. He recognized the immense value in mastering the use of machines, particularly CNC machines, as the cornerstone of his skill set. 

Believing firmly in the importance of manufacturing as a career path, True saw it as a crucial component in meeting the world's ongoing need for products. Throughout the ACE Bootcamp, True was captivated by the hands-on machining experience and the opportunity to work with CNC machines. Among the myriad of skills acquired, the ability to work the CNC machines stood out as the most valuable to him. 

Looking ahead, True is confident that his ACE certification will set him apart from his peers, equipping him with the knowledge and expertise to excel in his future career. With a solid foundation laid by ACE, True is poised to make significant contributions in the field of automotive engineering and beyond.

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Robert Neely

Robert Neely, an undergraduate majoring in Automotive Engineering Technology, embarked on his ACE journey with a clear goal in mind: to gain comprehensive knowledge on CNC machining and Fusion360. Beyond mere class credits, Robert understood the importance of acquiring practical skills that would set him apart in the competitive job market. 

With a firm belief in the significance of manufacturing as a career path, Robert recognized its widespread applicability across various industries. Throughout the ACE Bootcamp, Robert relished the hands-on experience, particularly the opportunity to work with Fusion360 and operate CNC machines. These skills, among others, proved to be invaluable assets as he prepared for a summer internship in manufacturing engineering. 

With ACE by his side, Robert is confident that he will excel in his internship and pave the way for a successful career in automotive engineering. Through his journey with ACE, Robert is well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the modern manufacturing landscape and make significant contributions to the field.

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Amrit Stewart

Amrit Stewart's journey with the ACE program is a testament to the transformative power of opportunity. As an African American participant, his experience with ACE left an indelible mark on his career path. With a keen desire to broaden his horizons beyond traditional academic pursuits, Amrit entered the program with an open mind and a hunger for knowledge. 

Through ACE, he found a platform to explore the world of machining, a realm he once believed was out of reach. The program not only demystified the intricacies of machining but also equipped him with valuable skills in creating parts and operating CNC machines. What resonated most with Amrit was the opportunity to do something he never thought possible. 

Looking ahead, he sees ACE as a stepping stone to higher-paying opportunities and increased job prospects in a competitive market. With newfound confidence and expertise, Amrit is poised to make a meaningful impact in the manufacturing industry, where speed and precision are paramount. Through his journey, Amrit exemplifies the ACE program's commitment to empowering individuals from all backgrounds to succeed in the ever-evolving world of manufacturing.

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Brandon Cason

Brandon Cason's journey with the ACE program is a testament to the transformative power of hands-on experience and industry exposure. With a keen interest in Fusion CAM, Brandon entered the program with a hunger to expand his skill set beyond the confines of traditional classroom learning. 

Through ACE, he not only gained invaluable Fusion CAM experience but also had the opportunity to delve into the world of HAAS CNC machining, broadening his horizons in the manufacturing realm. What resonated most with Brandon was the sense of fellowship cultivated within the program—a supportive environment where participants could learn, grow, and collaborate. 

Looking ahead, Brandon sees ACE as a springboard to new opportunities in his career path. With his enhanced skills and industry knowledge, he is well-equipped to pursue higher-paying roles and take on new responsibilities in the manufacturing sector. Brandon's journey exemplifies the ACE program's commitment to empowering individuals with the practical skills and experiences needed to succeed in today's dynamic workforce

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Cary Dozier

Cary Dozier's ACE journey is a testament to the transformative impact of hands-on learning in shaping career trajectories. With a clear goal of gaining manufacturing experience beyond the confines of traditional classroom settings, Cary embarked on the ACE Bootcamp journey with determination. 

Through ACE, Cary honed invaluable skills in CNC machining, unlocking new pathways to success in the dynamic field of manufacturing. What resonated most with Cary was the immersive machining experience provided by ACE, which equipped him with the practical knowledge and expertise needed to operate CNC machines effectively. 

Looking ahead, Cary sees ACE as a springboard to new opportunities in his career path. Armed with his enhanced skills and industry experience, he is poised to pursue internships related to mass production or machining, paving the way for a fulfilling and rewarding career. Cary's story underscores the importance of experiential learning in bridging the gap between education and real-world application, making him a standout example of the ACE program's commitment to empowering individuals with the tools they need to succeed.

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Celeste Yvanna Allen

Celeste Yvanna Allen's ACE journey is a testament to the power of experiential learning in shaping future success. With a desire for a better understanding backed by hands-on experience, Celeste entered the ACE Bootcamp with enthusiasm and determination. 

Through the program, Celeste honed invaluable skills, particularly in learning how to run a program effectively. Recognizing the vast opportunities within the manufacturing industry, Celeste firmly believes in its potential as a rewarding career path, citing the multitude of objects that require the type of machining skills learned through ACE. 

What stood out most for Celeste was the informative and hands-on learning environment provided by ACE. From closely following directions to understanding the importance of safety in the workplace, Celeste gained practical knowledge that will undoubtedly serve her well in her future endeavors. As Celeste continues on her career path, she carries with her the confidence and skills acquired through ACE, paving the way for new opportunities and professional growth.

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Dallas Davis

Dallas Davis embarked on his ACE journey with a clear vision: to master the operation of heavy machinery and cut parts effectively. Throughout the program, Dallas's focus remained on learning how to use the CNC machine, recognizing its significance in modern manufacturing processes. 

With a pragmatic view, Dallas sees manufacturing as an essential career path, acknowledging its pivotal role in producing components necessary for various industries, including automotive. Reflecting on his ACE experience, Dallas found the hands-on activities to be the highlight, providing invaluable practical skills and knowledge. 

Among the most significant skills gained was the proficiency in operating CNC machines, a capability that opens doors to numerous opportunities in the manufacturing sector. As Dallas moves forward in his career path, he carries with him the confidence and expertise acquired through ACE, poised for success in the ever-evolving world of manufacturing.

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Donovan Vinson

Donovan Vinson's journey with ACE was driven by a desire to delve deeper into the world of machining. He sought not just a grade, but a profound understanding of manufacturing processes beyond the classroom. 

Throughout the program, Donovan's focus remained on acquiring practical skills, particularly in operating a variety of machines essential in the manufacturing field. He firmly believes that manufacturing offers a promising career path, as it provides insight into the intricate process of creating parts, essential for numerous industries. 

Reflecting on his ACE experience, Donovan found the hands-on aspect to be the most rewarding, offering a tangible understanding of CNC machines. Among the most valuable skills gained was the ability to interpret and operate CNC machines accurately, a proficiency that will undoubtedly propel Donovan towards success in his manufacturing career. As Donovan moves forward, he carries with him the knowledge and confidence acquired through ACE, poised to make significant contributions in the dynamic world of manufacturing.

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Emmanuel Ogungbemi

Emmanuel Ogungbemi embarked on his ACE journey with a clear vision—to become certified in CNC Machining and to immerse himself in the manufacturing process. Beyond mere grades, Emmanuel aimed to cultivate valuable skills essential for success in the industry. 

Through ACE, he anticipated honing his time management, precision monitoring, and gaining hands-on manufacturing experience. Reflecting on the career path, Emmanuel strongly advocates for manufacturing, emphasizing its role in providing design engineers with practical insights beyond theoretical calculations. Throughout his ACE experience, Emmanuel cherished the dynamic learning environment and the opportunity to learn from mistakes, fostering attention to detail and crucial machining expertise. 

Looking ahead, Emmanuel sees the ACE certification as a cornerstone in shaping his career trajectory, aligning with his aspirations in manufacturing and the oil and gas sector. With determination and newfound skills, Emmanuel is poised to make significant contributions to the ever-evolving landscape of industry and innovation.

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Luis Yoshizaki-Hernandez

Luis Yoshizaki-Hernandez embarked on his ACE journey with a clear objective—to gain more hands-on experience in machining beyond the confines of a classroom. He saw ACE as an opportunity to enhance his skills in shop safety and CNC operation, recognizing their paramount importance in the manufacturing landscape. 

Reflecting on the career trajectory, Luis firmly believes in the potential of manufacturing as a stable and lucrative career path, emphasizing its evergreen demand for skilled workers and its rewarding nature. Throughout his ACE experience, Luis found the program to be an invaluable platform for acquiring new skills and practical experience in machining and manufacturing. He particularly appreciated learning the intricacies of machining processes and understanding CNC machine code, which are essential for precision and efficiency in the field. 

Looking forward, Luis envisions ACE opening doors to internship and apprenticeship opportunities, providing him with additional experience to propel his future career aspirations. With newfound knowledge and hands-on expertise, Luis is poised to make significant strides in the dynamic realm of manufacturing.

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Marian Hinton

Marian Hinton embarked on the ACE journey with a fervent desire for hands-on experience that would transcend mere grades or credits. For Marian, ACE was an opportunity to delve into the world of design and machine skills, igniting a passion for manufacturing that resonated deeply within. Believing wholeheartedly in the potential of manufacturing as a stable and fulfilling career path, Marian approached the ACE Bootcamp with enthusiasm and dedication. 

Throughout the program, Marian was immersed in a world of learning, embracing every aspect of the experience with unwavering enthusiasm. From general experiences to in-class learning and machining experiences, Marian found fulfillment in every moment of the ACE journey. The most cherished aspect of ACE for Marian was the hands-on experience gained, providing invaluable insights and skills that would undoubtedly shape their future in the manufacturing industry. 

With newfound expertise and a passion for manufacturing, Marian envisions ACE as a catalyst for exciting career opportunities, whether it be securing a full-time position, assuming new roles and responsibilities, or pursuing internships and apprenticeships. With determination and a solid foundation from ACE, Marian is poised to thrive in their journey toward a successful career in manufacturing.

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Muhammad Umair Ali

Muhammad Umair Ali embarked on his ACE journey with a clear goal in mind: to unravel the mysteries of CNC machines and delve into the realm of manufacturing. Beyond mere grades or credits, Muhammad sought a deeper understanding of how these machines operate and the ability to wield them with precision. Believing wholeheartedly in the potential of manufacturing as a fulfilling career path, Muhammad recognized the power of creation that comes with mastering CNC machines. 

Throughout the ACE Bootcamp, Muhammad immersed himself in the world of machining, gaining invaluable insights and skills along the way. From general experiences to in-class learning and machining experiences, Muhammad found each aspect of ACE to be enlightening and enriching. What he loved most about ACE was the hands-on experience of operating a machine to bring a part to life. The most valuable skill Muhammad gained was mastering the handle jog, a fundamental technique in machining. 

With these newfound skills, Muhammad envisions ACE as a springboard for success in his career. Whether it's securing a new job, taking on additional responsibilities, or excelling in his current role, Muhammad is confident that the skills he gained from ACE will propel him towards achieving his career goals.

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Robert K Wilson

Robert K Wilson embarked on his ACE journey with a hunger for hands-on experience in machining and a desire to master CNC programming. Beyond mere grades or credits, Robert saw ACE as an opportunity to delve deep into the fascinating world of manufacturing. Believing that manufacturing is not just a career path but a captivating subject to explore, Robert was eager to immerse himself fully in the ACE Bootcamp. 

Throughout the program, Robert's experiences were nothing short of transformative. From general learning experiences to in-class sessions and practical machining exercises, every aspect of ACE resonated with Robert's passion for the subject. What he cherished most about ACE was the opportunity to work with HAAS machines, gaining invaluable experience in operating them. Among the plethora of skills acquired, mastering the art of probing stood out as particularly valuable to Robert. 

Looking ahead, Robert is confident that the skills and experience gained from ACE will serve as a solid foundation for his future career endeavors. Whether it's securing a new job, taking on more responsibilities, or advancing his current role, Robert sees ACE as a catalyst for his professional growth and success.

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Schyler Parris

Schyler Parris embarked on his ACE journey with a clear vision in mind: to gain a better understanding of programming and utilizing CNC machines, essential skills for his pursuit of a degree in Aerospace Engineering. Beyond the confines of grades or class credits, Schyler saw ACE as a gateway to firsthand experience with CNC machines, a vital component of his future career aspirations. 

Believing firmly in the importance of manufacturing as a career path, Schyler recognized its significance in meeting the country's needs, especially in fields like aerospace engineering. Throughout the ACE Bootcamp, Schyler was impressed by the immersive hands-on experience and the clear explanations provided for machine operations. Among the myriad of skills acquired, mastering CNC machine knowledge and operating skills stood out as the most valuable to him. 

Looking ahead, Schyler is confident that his ACE certification will open up numerous job opportunities, allowing him to forge productive relationships with companies and ultimately realize his dream of working on spacecraft. With a steadfast determination and a solid foundation laid by ACE, Schyler is ready to soar to new heights in his career journey.