vision, mission & values

Every child at Tamworth Enterprise College will gain the qualifications, knowledge, skills and character to lead a remarkable life.

Tamworth Enterprise College is committed to providing a curriculum that is broad, balanced, challenging and fosters a love of learning. We match our curriculum to the abilities, interests and aspirations of our students, to give every child the opportunity to strive for personal excellence. We are an academy that aims to open doors for every pupil, and we therefore value the contribution that creative and practical learning brings to a child’s development alongside the traditional subjects. Our hope is that every child who leaves Tamworth Enterprise College has the qualifications, skills, knowledge and character to access aspirational Post-16 opportunities and to lead a remarkable life that includes positive relationships, resilience and financial independence

Through every lesson our mastery curriculum is designed to create a compelling learning experience: the following drivers underpin our curriculum intent. They are to encourage and develop students to: 

1.            take an enterprising, proactive approach to life and learning

2.            develop a depth of knowledge within subjects and the wider world 

3.            become leaders of learning through independence and resilience

4.            be creative thinkers, able to innovate and initiate, whatever the challenge

5.            be confident, articulate masters of communication.

We aim to develop 8 remarkable character traits in our students to ensure they are ready for learning and life-long challenges, respectful citizens of the future and safe fully-rounded individuals:

At Tamworth Enterprise College PDSW underpins all that we do. We understand the difficulties that young people have within our community and we as an Academy work tirelessly to ensure each student’s personal needs are met so they can strive to be a better individual in their community and achieve what they are capable of academically 

Lift Values and Vision 

Our Mission:

Our Values:

Be Unusually Brave

At Lift, we choose to be unusually brave. We're not afraid to challenge wrongs, to make the right call, even when it's both unusual and difficult to do so.

Discover What's Possible

We are on the search for discovering what's possible. We look to create 'eureka moments' for our students, helping them discover a world of possibilities and opportunities.

Push the Limits

We always strive to push the limits. We don't settle for less than excellent and we won't allow our students to either. We resolve to overcome any self-imposed limits.

Be Big-Hearted

We commit to being big-hearted. We choose to treat each other with kindness, warmth and care, believing that everybody matters and believing in one another.