16-19 Bursary Fund Policy 2023/24

What is the 16-19 Bursary Fund:

The fund is made available from the government through its funding body  - Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA) for 16-18 year olds - to provide assistance to students whose access to, or completion of, education is inhibited by financial constraints or barriers. 

Who is eligible to apply for 16-19 Bursary Funding?

Students following government (YPLA or SFA) funded full time or part-time courses, who are 16 years and over and satisfy one or more of the following criteria:

Who is not eligible for 16-19 Bursary Funding?

How does the Academy assess applications and allocate 16-19 Bursary funding?

The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a limited fund and the Academy will prioritise allocation. There will be 3 priority groups, categorised as high, medium and low.

High priority group:

Students aged under 19 on 31/08/23 and who fall into one of the following categories:

Eligible students will be guaranteed a £1200 bursary plus support for other costs such as transport, equipment etc. 


Payment is not automatic. The government expects schools and colleges to make receipt of bursary funding conditional on students meeting the education provider’s expected standards, for example, attendance, behaviour, standard of work and commitment to study.  


If a student has received a letter stating he/she is not receiving the payment as they have not met our criteria the student may appeal, in writing, to Miss T Howard Pastoral Manager for Sixth Form thoward@newrickstonesacademy.org 

Medium priority group:

Students who fall into any the following category:

Eligible students in this group, if they apply to the 16–19 Bursary Fund by 23 September 2023, may be eligible for a contribution towards: 

Low priority group:

Those in the low priority group will be considered for funding based on the Academy allocation and subject to available funding after those in the high and medium priority groups have been awarded. In some cases awards may not be made until after 31 December 2020.  Students in this group may get a contribution towards the cost of essential course equipment, uniforms and transport costs (they may also receive a cash bursary if aged under 19 on 31/08/22, if funds permit). 

Extreme Circumstances

In extreme circumstances students who are eligible may apply for emergency funding but the decision to award will be based on need and available funds.

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