At Witham Sixth Form we are committed to providing a purposeful, flexible and ambitious study programme. We offer a range of A Levels and BTEC qualifications and students will be given clear guidance to ensure they pick a pathway which will support their future career goals. Guidance about the right combination, number and level of courses takes place during Year 11, ensuring all students are aware of the opportunities for study at Witham Sixth Form and how this can best support their future goals and aspirations.

As per our legislative responsibility our learners are provided with an average of 640 hours a year. An average student, on a full time programme, will be in school 25 hours a week and can expect each subject to provide 9 hours of teaching time across a fortnight. Each student will be given Independent Study Time (ISP) tasks as well as homework to complete each week. 

It is essential that students who have not achieved a GCSE grade 4 in English and Maths will be given an opportunity to sit these examinations (with teacher support). As part of our study programme we expect all students to do work experience in the last two weeks of the summer term in Year 12. This is an exciting opportunity for our young people to network and gain vital skills to access the work force post 18. 

Our core drivers at Witham Sixth Form are a continuation of the ones in our feeder school; New Rickstones Academy. They are CHARACTER, PERSPECTIVE and MASTERY. Whilst we pride ourselves on our mastery framework; it is vital that the students have enriching experiences to develop their character and to gain perspective of the wider world. 

From 2023-2024 all students will be expected to attend an hour of PSHE a fortnight as part of our curriculum offer. This will develop character and perspective. In these purposeful sessions students will engage in sexual and emotional education, citizenship, religious education and careers.