The CCA Way leads to successful employment.... 

...and this starts with our fantastic career zone team and resources. We offer regular employer contact and information, advice and guidance for all students from year 7 to 13. 

Highlights in the  careers education calendar include the annual careers fair,  year 10 work experience and the year 11 mock interviews. Support is offered throughout the year on Wow Wednesday and our CCA Edge tutorial programme that covers a diverse range of topics to ensure our students are equipped with the tools they need to plan for the future they want. 

Students also receive comprehensive IAG at key transition points, including the key stage 3 options, post-16 pathways selection process and post-18 planning, including information about both apprenticeship and university pathways. 

In addition to this, all students in key stage 3 and 4 have access to the Kudos software to research their careers interesting and post-16 opportunities. At key stage 5, we use a variety of online tools to enable students to search for the latest local and national apprenticeship vacancies, as well as searching for the best university courses matched to the student's interests and aspirations. 

Key Stage 3 - 5 Careers programme

Careers Programme: Year 7 - 13 | 2021-2022