The unmanned systems industry is growing by the hour, and it requires news coverage that can keep up. 

The partnership between AUVSI and ANN will help provide that coverage, with the latest unmanned systems news, strong production values, and timely interviews. 

Airborne Unmanned' debuted in early 2017 as a weekly program and will expand frequency and scope thereafter, though coverage may be augmented at any time by special news bulletins and programming when the need requires, including the upcoming XPONENTIAL 2019 Tradeshow. 

The fast-paced, mobile-device friendly program covers the latest news and information of interest to the entire commercial drone community. Strong production values, extensive B-Roll, and timely interviews are part of the ‘Airborne Unmanned' viewing experience. Shows will be available through AUVSI, ANN, YouTube, Vimeo, and dozens of other syndication outlets/partners. 

Starting first as a weekly program and adding additional programs to each week’s roster as the program matures, ANN expects that "Airborne Unmanned" could grow to daily frequency in short order – especially considering the way that the commercial drone segment has expanded.  

While ANN’s Airborne Unlimited daily programs have already spanned over 1,500 iterations, and are augmented by another 10,000 audio/video features; several topics from the aviation and aerospace world demanded special attention from the company that created the online aviation news business over 20 years ago. 

Consequentially the Aero-News Network editorial team has determined that unique programming efforts, dedicated to each of approximately a dozen aviation and aerospace topic/segments should get distinct attention from the aviation world’s most comprehensive news and information service as it expands its coverage this year. 

Manufacturers, personnel, educators and companies working in the Commercial Drone community are strongly encouraged to reach out to ANN to introduce themselves, share insights, and learn more about the "Airborne Unmanned' effort.

News and story suggestions may be submitted to the Aero-News Network:     -     phone 863-299-8680

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