Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on Families

We as a group of juniors and seniors at Auburn High School are on a mission to educate and raise awareness of substance addiction and related incidents in our community. It’s important that everyone know the consequences of substance abuse and the effect it has on families.

Addicts in Recovery

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Copy of Mitch Collins.m4v


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Victims of Alcohol Complications

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Mary Ann Angelillo

Copy of Amy Rankin.m4v

Amy Rankin

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Frank Granato

Parents Dealing With Drug Overdose Death

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Tina and John Socci

Copy of Cooper.m4v

Cindy Cooper

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Michelle Gentile

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Sheri and Joel Campagnola

Parents Raising Grandchildren

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Lynette Wilson

Drug abuse kills about 200,000 people worldwide each year, according to a new United Nations (UN) report.

38,329 people die a year from drug overdoses.

On average, overdoses contained about 42% more medicine than indicated, the study showed.


Corynn Barnes, Kaitlyn Diego, Cassie May, Billie Jo Miner, Margaret Scira, Terra SheridanHall, Crystal Strecker, Maire Tehan