Our Journey

Alexander's Backstory...

I came up with the idea as my 2019 summer soccer season came to an end. It was the game right before the playoffs; we were up 3 to 1 and there were 10 seconds left on the clock. I go for a risky kick, and before I realized it, my toe has a shooting pain. We went to the hospital after the game and I had a Salter Harris Type 2 fracture which put me out for the rest of the season and on crutches for six weeks. Even though I was out, I went and I supported my team. I had to carry a big backpack because I needed to bring a water bottle with me. I thought that there should be some way to make carrying a water bottle easier when you have crutches. So I looked online and the only things I found were $30 small bags to attach to your crutches and and a $15 cheap plastic Etsy attachment. So I knew that this was a small product that could help solve a BIG problem.

Look through photos of our journey:

This idea came to fruition from our participation in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA). YEA gave us the opportunity to learn how to be entrepreneurs and develop our business. With our regional investor award of $1,000, we purchased two 3-D printers and the materials required to make seventy-five EZ-Carriers.