2nd LTTA

1st day

The first day of mobility in Lamia, Greece, within the scope of the Erasmus+ project “Learning in Nature”, begins with the arrival of students and teachers at School nº 1 in Gorgopotamos early in the morning.

While students from partner countries are integrated into classes for their first contact with their Greek colleagues, teachers are welcomed by the school director, who, after a guided tour of the school, hosts a presentation session on the Greek educational system.

Next, students and teachers participate in an information session on the biodiversity of the Gulf of Malia, which borders the Phthiotid region, where the city of Lamia is located. Students also had the opportunity to actively participate in rock painting workshops and outdoor games related to the theme of recycling.

The day of activities ended with the students returning to the family homes where they were staying.

2nd Day

Today we woke up to rain for the second day of the mobility of the Erasmus+ project “Learning in Nature”, in Lamia, Greece. But when the motivation is total, the rain doesn't stop us. So, we set off early in the morning towards the gorge where, in 480 BC, the Battle of Thermopylae (hot gates) took place, between the Greeks commanded by Leonidas and the Persians.

After a visit to the thermal spring, we headed to the Memorial to Leonidas and the Historical Information Center of Thermopylae, where we watched a 3D film about this historic event in ancient Greece.

Before arriving at Kamena Vourla, we visited the Orthodox Transfiguration Monastery.

On the beach in the city of Kamena Vourla, in the Gulf of Mália, we carry out activities to collect small pebbles and shells, but also polluting materials such as plastics, glass and metals.

Of course, we didn't leave this place without, at the end, taking a refreshing swim in the sea.

3rd Day

Today the day was dedicated to the arts. Taking advantage of the rocks, shells and small pieces of wood collected on Kamena Vourla beach the day before, the students got to work and built mobiles and small paintings alluding to the theme highlighted in this LTTA - the sea.

And because gastronomy is also or can be an art form, we all got our hands dirty and learned how to make “spanakopita”, a thin-crust pastry filled with spinach and other vegetables, mixed with feta cheese. At the end of this activity it was possible to see all the partners enjoying slices of “spanakopita” fresh from the oven, very warm and tasty…

Already satiated, we went dancing, or rather, learning to dance a typical Greek dance.

Thus, to the sound of “Zorba”, we transformed the school grounds into a true party space where multiculturalism and unity in diversity were celebrated.

The day ended with a workshop on board games and archery activiti

4th Day

Ancient Greece is considered the cradle of all Western civilization.

It was in Greece that democracy was born and this has a very special meaning for all the participants present at this Erasmus meeting, but especially for the young people who are the future of the European continent.

Talking about Greece is talking about mythology, art, Philosophy, Mathematics, Olympic Games, ….

It is for all this that the visit to the Archaeological Museum of Delphi had such a special “flavor”. This museum is one of the most important museums in Greece. It is located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, in the archaeological site of the ruins of the Temple of Apollo, where the most famous ancient Greek oracle was located.

On this day we were also treated to a visit to the nautical museum of Galaxidi, a very picturesque looking village, located on the south coast of central Greece, with a very rich maritime history associated with the fact that in the past the only access to this place could only be made by sea.

5th Day

An intense week full of activities comes to an end. Today was the last day of the Erasmus meeting in Lamia, Greece, as part of the “Learning in Nature” project.

Once again art was present. Thus, the work started on the first day of the week was completed. Then, we let our imagination run wild and, inspired by musical themes that evoked the sea, we filled the room with color with happy and vibrant designs.

Because music is a universal language even when sung in different languages, we were treated to the performance of 5th grade students performing traditional Greek songs. Traditional are also the dances that we learned throughout the week and we didn't want to leave without dancing again. Traditionally, Greeks dance arm in arm, which symbolizes unity and harmony between everyone, no matter how different we are. And so, once again, we feel and experience “unity in diversity”.

We're still together, but... the homesickness is getting worse when we think that each one will have to return to their country, their school, their place...

And so we said goodbye. Until the next meeting, in Riga, Latvia.