Transnational teams collaborating togheter

Facts about water

October and November

Students were asked to research information about water. Each country selected the 5 facts that in some way touched them the most. They were shared on a padlet for everyone to analyze and comment on.

All images on this page were generated with artificial intelligence.

Americans use five times the amount of water that Europe use.

Col·legi Sant Josep Navàs

According to the latest data on average, in Portugal, a person consumes around 170 liters of water per day of which more than half are direct discharges into the sewers (for exemple flushing toilets).

Agrupamento de Escolas da Bemposta

The average person uses 129 l per day but only 3 l are used for drinking.

Faithlegg National School

A person can live about a month  without food, but only about a week without water!

Col·legi Sant Josep Navàs

To produce 1 kg of meat, 15,400 liters are used.

Agrupamento de Escolas da Bemposta

1 kg of chocolate uses 1,5 liters of water.

Faithlegg National School

A small drop from a tap can waste as much as 75 liters of water a day.

Col·legi Sant Josep Navàs

12% of the world´s fresh water is in Brazil. The country is privileged for the aquifers which store water in the ground.

Agrupamento de Escolas da Bemposta

Did you know 71% of the Earth is covered in water but only 7% is drinkable?

Faithlegg National School

Collecting water keeps girls out of school.

Col·legi Sant Josep Navàs

While in the USA people use on average 370 liters of water per day, Africans use seven to nineteen liters.

Agrupamento de Escolas da Bemposta

Did you know it takes 4,100 liters to produce 1 cotton t-shirt?

Faithlegg National School

Only 0,007% of water on Earth is drinkable.

Col·legi Sant Josep Navàs

Because they do not have access to basic sanitation, women and children in Sub-Saharan Africa waste up to six hours a day walkink long distances ti fill buckets with water. In just one day, the sum of these trips would cover the distance to the moon and back.

Agrupamento de Escolas da Bemposta

Did you know that Ireland transports 1.76 bilion liters of water each day?

Faithlegg National School