Legal Considerations for Teachers

We recently interviewed Thomas Mayes from the Iowa Department of Education on considerations that teachers are facing.

Data Privacy

What issues arise with data privacy for schools during remote learning, and what can teachers do to protect it?

Free Resources

In general, schools and teachers have gotten bombarded by offers of free resources available to them during the COVID outbreak. While the offers are by and large benevolent, what should teachers be considering before using these free offers?

Data Privacy Issues on Sites

How might a teacher identify a potential issue with data privacy related to an online site? And, what are they (or the school) obligated to share with parents?


Zoom has been extremely popular during this time, but has also had its fair share of concerns. What should schools know about current issues with Zoom use with students? What requirements regarding parent permission do teachers need for videoconferencing, and what other recommendations would you have?


There has been a lot of conversation around equity for students, both in terms of IEPs as well as all-around access to the internet. While equity primarily becomes the responsibility of the district or school, what should teachers know right now to maintain as equitable a classroom as possible? (I’d like to touch on parental involvement and potential inequalities as well)

Special Education Teachers

Are there issues that special education teachers specifically are seeing with the move to remote learning?

Web Accessibility

Teachers, as a whole, do not have a lot of expertise in web accessibility and section 508 compliance. What important things should they be considering?

Performance Evaluation

Some teachers have initial concerns about performance evaluation during times of remote learning, especially as it relates to a new format for teaching to them. Potentially, many teachers might struggle with skills to do basic teaching tasks. What considerations are there for districts and teachers around performance evaluation at this time?

Teacher Code of Ethics

  • While it isn’t the primary focus, are there any aspects of online/remote teaching that bring up possible dangers for teachers regarding the code of ethics?