Good practices

Promoting eco-friendly action cannot be the result of participating in just one project. Instead it is the consequence of a deeper attitude rooted in the awareness that there is urgency in taking action to protect the environment. In this page, the good practices implemented in Airães Basic and Secondary school will be visible through photos taken in activities/actions/projects that took place throughout the school year of 2021/2022.

Climate Action project

European Week for Waste Reduction

Hoisting the Eco-School Flag

Receiving the Gandhi award for the project "Time to help"

Workshop on medicinal wild plants

Planting our herb garden at school

Promoting healthy food habits at school

Promoting circular economy at school with our Saint Martin's Market

Promoting local natural and traditional products at school

Promoting contact with animals for therapeutic reasons.

Promoting trekking activities and respect for nature and traditions

Applying the 5 Rs policy in our school decorations: reusing cork.

Applying the 5 Rs policy: using recyclables in sports practice.

Participating in the Litter Less Campaign

Action 2: Caught in plastic

Action 3: Invisible pollutants

Action 4: Why do I need it?

Action 5: Zero-Waste Day

Action 6: A joint effort