1. When is the election?
The election will be held on June 25, 2019. Polls will be open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
2. Where can I vote?
Registered resident voters can vote at any of the following three polling locations regardless of where they live.
Adel Public Library, 303 S. 10th Street, Adel, IA
United Methodist Church, 421 Dallas Street, DeSoto, IA
United Methodist Church, 705 Chestnut Street, Minburn, IA
3. What is being proposed?
The following question will be on the ballot: “Shall the Board of Directors of the Adel DeSoto Minburn Community School District in the Counties of Dallas and Madison, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $15,750,000 to provide funds to construct, build, furnish and equip a new elementary building and improve the site?”
The new elementary building would serve grades 2-4, have a 650 student capacity, and be built to allow for expansion in the future if necessary.
4. What is the total estimated cost for the project?
The total estimated cost for a 2-4 elementary building with a capacity of 650 students is approximately $18,000,000. The District would utilize revenue from the statewide sales tax (SAVE) to fund the remaining cost difference between the $15,750,000 in General Obligation Bonds and the total project cost of approximately $18,000,000. Statewide sales tax SAVE revenue is not property taxes.
5. Why is this being proposed?
ADM has grown significantly over the last five years with more than 300 new students enrolling during that timespan. Growth is expected to continue with projections of nearly 2,200 students attending ADM by 2021-22. This increased enrollment will put Adel Elementary, DeSoto Intermediate, and ADM Middle School at or over capacity for the start of the 2021-22 school year. The construction of a new elementary building would increase capacity levels to accommodate growth. More Information: 2018 Facility Master Planning Final Report
6. If the bond issue is successful, when will construction of the new elementary be completed?
Construction would be targeted to begin in January of 2020 and completed by August of 2021, in time for the start of the 2021-22 school year.
7. Why is the proposed new elementary building designed to serve all students in grades 2-4?
The Facility Master Planning Committee determined the new building should serve all students in grades 2-4 and not be a neighborhood attendance center for many reasons, including:
If the new elementary building and Adel Elementary served students in the same grade levels, an attendance area boundary would have to be developed to determine which students would go to each building. The committee determined that creating “attendance area” boundaries was not a preferred solution at this time.
Constructing a new building to serve students in grades 2-4 would relieve enrollment pressures at Adel Elementary, DeSoto Intermediate, and ADM Middle School.
The new building would be designed to accommodate younger elementary students if that were to become necessary in the future.
8. Where will the new elementary building be constructed?
On Friday, May 31st, the ADM Board of Education approved a purchase agreement for the site of the proposed new elementary school. This forty-nine acre site is located just west of 15th street in Adel and northwest of the Adel Aquatic Center. View Map
The ADM Board of Education determined this location was best suited for the new elementary building due to its proximity to existing neighborhoods. Additionally, an anticipated city park expansion project in this area would provide for city and district collaboration.
The ADM Board of Education explored multiple site options including south of Adel near HWY 169. Locations off of HWY 169 were not optimal due to heavy traffic and the unknown future of the HWY 169 turning and safety improvements.
The ADM Board of Education identified 49 acres of land as an appropriate size to support the construction of a new elementary building and to provide space for future land needs of the district.
The signed agreement is contingent on the fulfillment of several conditions, including the passage of the June 25, 2019 bond referendum. If the vote fails, the district will still have the option to purchase the land.
9. Why not build additions onto current buildings to address capacity needs?
Additions at all four current buildings were part of the 2013 Facility Master Planning Committee’s Final Report and the bond referendum that took place in 2014. Additions at Adel Elementary and DeSoto were finished in 2015 and at the Middle School and High School in 2016. More Information: 2013 Facility Master Planning Final Report
The 2018 Facility Master Planning Committee determined that another set of additions to increase capacity levels at Adel Elementary, DeSoto Intermediate, and the Middle School was not a viable option due to the projected enrollment increases and the pressure that increasing capacity at those buildings would have on service areas like the cafeteria, library, traffic flow, parking, etc.
10. Why not use the building in Minburn that is currently unoccupied?
Prior to the 2014 bond referendum, the 2013 Facility Master Planning Committee studied the building in Minburn and determined it not to be a practical option for growth. Reasons included:
Most of the enrollment growth was and continues to occur in the Adel area. More Information: Student Density Heat Map
The estimated costs in 2014 to renovate the Minburn building to be an attendance center exceeded $6,000,000. More Information: 2014 Analysis of Decommissioned Minburn School Building
The Minburn Building would only have a capacity of around 200 students and would not relieve enrollment pressures throughout the district. Additional funds would have to be spent to expand the building to a larger attendance capacity.
11. What will happen to the building in Minburn?
ADM currently uses portions of the Minburn building to support athletics. This includes use of the main gym and a state-of-the-art indoor softball, baseball, and golf facility.
Alternative uses for the Minburn building are still being explored. There have been recent, positive discussions about possible use of sections of the building by the City of Minburn and the Minburn Public Library.
12. What about the “Old Middle School” building in Adel?
Prior to the 2014 bond referendum, the 2013 Facility Master Planning Committee studied the Old Middle School building and determined it not to be a practical option for growth. Reasons included:
The estimated costs in 2014 to renovate the Old Middle School building to serve as an attendance center exceeded $9,000,000. More Information: 2014 Analysis of Decommissioned Middle School Building
As part of the 2014 bond referendum, the building was re-purposed to serve as the new District Administration Center and was occupied in December of 2015. More Information: 2013 Facility Master Planning Final Report
13. What has ADM done to plan for and address continued enrollment growth?
In 2013, ADM completed an extensive facility master planning process that explored many different options for use, reconfiguration, and construction to meet demands of projected growth. More Information: 2013 Facility Options Considered
The 2013 Facility Master Planning Final Report recommended that additions be constructed at Adel Elementary, DeSoto Intermediate, ADM Middle School, and ADM High School. Additions at Adel Elementary and DeSoto were finished in 2015 and at the Middle School and High School in 2016. More Information: 2013 Facility Master Planning Final Report
In 2017 ADM closed open enrollment due to class size concerns/lack of classroom space and the anticipated rate of residential housing growth. Open enrollment has remained closed.
In April of 2018, the ADM Board of Education approved the start of a Facility Master Planning process to build on the facility master planning work completed in 2013 and to study enrollment growth and determine future facility needs for the district. After exploring many different options, the Committee’s Final Report recommended the construction of a new elementary building to serve students in grades 2-4. More Information: 2018 Facility Master Planning Final Report
14. Does the bond issue require a “supermajority” to pass?
Yes. The question on the ballot requires a 60% supermajority “yes” vote to pass.
15. If the bond issue passes, how will it impact my property taxes?
In April, the ADM Board of Education set the property tax rate for fiscal year 2020 with no tax rate increase from the current fiscal year. ADM’s debt service levy (the levy that supports capital projects) has been set to remain at $4.05/thousand. There is no tax rate increase anticipated for fiscal year 2021.
16. How is it possible to pass a bond issue and not have a tax rate increase?
The bond for the new elementary will be assigned to the debt service levy. The debt service levy is one part of the total school tax rate, which also includes the General, PPEL, and Management funds. Each of the levies independently increases or decreases annually, and when combined, form the overall school tax rate. Conservative projections for these levies show the bond for the new building will not require an increase in the overall school tax rate levy in FY21 as noted above. More information: Tax Information
17. What happens if the bond referendum fails?
There would be several impacts of a failed bond referendum, including:
Adel Elementary and the Middle School will exceed capacity in 2021.
Class sizes, particularly at the elementary level, will increase to levels that are much higher than desired. For example, kindergarten class sizes would exceed 22 students in each room in 2021 and would be over 24 in each room in 2022.
Increase in construction costs.
Delay of other necessary district facility improvements.
18. How has the city of Adel’s tax abatement program impacted ADM Schools?
The tax abatement program in Adel spurred growth that has resulted in an increase in student enrollment at ADM. Last year, 189 out of 333 school districts in Iowa reported declining enrollment. While not free from challenges, ADM’s enrollment growth is viewed as a positive by the District. It is ADM’s responsibility to plan for student enrollment growth regardless of how or why students enroll in our schools. While there is a period of time that residents who live in a tax abated home will not pay school taxes, once they have exited the abatement period, the valuation of those dwellings will have a very positive impact on the District’s financial health.
19. Has ADM closed open enrollment?
Yes. Open enrollment for students who live outside ADM’s attendance boundary has been closed for the past two years. Open enrollment will also remain closed to new open enrollment requests for 2019-2020. The strategy of closing open enrollment has worked to delay the need for a new building. However, this strategy has a negative impact on ADM’s district finances, as ADM receives a per-pupil funding allocation from the sending district for each open enrolled student. Open enrollment will continue to be evaluated annually to determine the best approach for the District.
20. Is the District taking into account the cost of increased staffing associated with growth and opening a new building?
Yes. Projections for new staff necessary over the next several years based on enrollment growth and the opening of a new building have been built into ADM’s budget forecast. Projections include teachers, support staff, and administration.
21. How would a new elementary impact ADM’s Preschool and Prekindergarten programs?
93% of students entering Kindergarten in 2018 attended a preschool program either through school or community programs. Decisions pertaining to an increase to District Preschool sections will be based on meeting the needs of providing services for 3-year-old and 4-year-old students with special needs and then utilizing remaining spots for typical peers. Decisions pertaining to an increase of Prekindergarten sections will be based on the needs of the students determined eligible to attend.
22. What other capital project needs does the District have?
The Facility Master Planning Committee developed a list of other capital needs in addition to the new elementary building. These recommendations will be studied by the ADM Board of Directors in order to determine priorities, available funding sources, and timelines. These projects are NOT part of the June 25 bond issue. More Information: 2018 Facility Master Planning Final Report