
I have been teaching math for 13 years, with this being my 4th year at Legacy HS (forgive me). My master's degree is in applied statistics and analytics so naturally my favorite class is AP Stats. While I am a fan of and competitor in many sports, my passion for most of my life has been volleyball. After jumping and diving on the hardcourt for enough years, I now stay active in the doubles community and play sand and grass tournaments any weekend I can. This is my first season coaching volleyball at Mountain Range but it is somehow year 18 overall, though I feel far too young to be saying that. I grew up with 3 younger sisters (which was infuriating 9 days out of 10) and I think that helped prepare me to work with girls on the volleyball court. I am a gym rat, so every day includes a good workout, and while at home I spend a lot of time reading. The last few years I have also gotten into drumming so I like to pass time learning Metallica, System of a Down, or any rock song I grew up with. Fortunately I am unmarried so nobody has to listen to such a horrifying sound.