Los Registros de Leer

Every 2 weeks during semester 1, you will turn in a "Registro", a log of academic reading in Spanish that you have done on your own time. Click on the links above to access documents / forms that you need to turn in as part of your "registro".

Fechas de Entrega - Semestre 1:

lunes, 27 septiembre

lunes, 11 octubre

lunes, 25 octubre

lunes, 8 noviembre

lunes, 29 noviembre

lunes, 13 diciembre - OPTIONAL
(to replace low / missing registro grade)

**Registro Assignment**.docx

Instructions for Registros

Articles for Registros

**Diccionario Personal**.doc

Get a new "Diccionario Personal"

**Registro Checklist**.docx

Checklist to make sure you have all Registro requirements