Q: What items will be in the Bodega and Boutique?

A: Clothes, shoes, hygiene items, household cleaning supplies, school supplies, food and other miscellaneous items we receive through donations.

Q: May I donate hygiene, food, household items?

A: Yes. We welcome and appreciate donations of any NEW food, hygiene, household supplies. If donating food items, please do not donate expired items.

Q: May I donate clothing?

A: Yes. We welcome and appreciate donations that are in good condition.

Q: How did the Bodega get started?

A: Shannon Hancock and the Five Star Education Foundation partnered with the Adams County Foundation, Albertsons, Kaiser, and other funders to provide funds to create resources closets within Adams 12 schools. Funds were offered to all schools in the district with 27 schools receiving grants.

Q: How was the grant money spent by Rocky Mountain?

A: The funds were used to purchase shelving and storage bins, food items, hygiene products, household supplies, clothing and shoes. (If you would like more specifics, feel free to ask).

Q: How did you select the items?

A: When thinking of clothing, we wanted to think about the students who are teased for having generic clothes. Not many families can afford brand new, name brand shoes. Given that this grant was so large, we wanted to start off by having new, quality items for them in addition to our gently used donations. We know that the new shoes are not sustainable as we think about the future of the Bodega but we wanted to start off with as many new items as possible.

When selecting food items, we tried to secure a variety of foods that are also relatively easy to prepare. We did not have a list of suggested items so we tried to get a variety of food. We hope to learn as we continue this resource so we can secure food that people want.

Why so many hygiene and household items? When families are in need of these items, they often go without so they can allocate their funds to rent, utilities and food. We wanted to ease the burden of this for families so they can spend more of the money on those bigger things we cannot help with. Also, when families are moving from a hotel or a shared household, they often lack the basic household supplies to be able to eat and cook in their new home.

Q: How will this be sustained?

A: Different partnerships are being created to sustain different supplies. Here is a breakdown of these partnerships:

Additional partnerships are being established through the district’s Student and Family Outreach Program (SFOP). SFOP is who coordinated the grant.

Donations are welcome for sustainability purposes. Please see the above questions about those specifics.

Q: Who can access the Bodega and Boutique?

A: This will be open to our Rocky Mountain students and their households. A google site has been established as the information center for accessing the Bodega. Please visit The RAM's Bodega & Boutique for more information.

Q: How can families access the Bodega and Boutique?

A: There are multiple ways for students and their households to access the Bodega. There is an online form to request items. Items will be bagged and families will be given a pick-up window. There is in an in-person shopping option. There are limited time slots available through sign-up genius for this. On a case-by-case basis, students may have alternative access times while at school. Please visit The RAM's Bodega & Boutique Shopping page for more information.

Q: How can I volunteer to work in the Bodega?

A: At this time because of the COVID-19 pandemic we are not accepting students or parents to volunteer. We hope to open up this opportunity after restrictions are lifted.

Q: Where is the RAM's Bodega & Boutique located?

A: The RAM's Bodega & Boutique is located at Rocky Mountain Elementary.

Q: What is a bodega?

A: In Spanish, a bodega is a little storeroom, small grocery store or convenience store. In New York, it is common to see a bodega on many street corners.

Q: What is a boutique?

A: A boutique is a small store that sells clothes and other accessories.

Q: Who can fill out the online shopping form and sign-up to shop in person?

A: Our students can sign up to shop. Their grown-ups can sign-up. We do not restrict who is able to do either from a household.

Q: How often can I shop in the bodega?

A: At this time, we are just getting started. There are no hard limits restricting how often you can shop but ask that you try to go a month between visits. If you need more support than what the bodega can provide, please contact the Family Outreach Liasion to discuss possible referrals to other community supports.

Tatiana Lozano

Email: loz025943@adams12.org

Direct Line: (720)972-3500

Cell Phone: (720)446-6942