Français 4


French 4 is offered period 6.

Classroom: B113

Materials Needed

Online Access

Check Schoology regularly for daily agendas, slides, resource packets, and other materials.

Syllabus & Schoology Links

23-24 Syllabus French 4_Ketcham

Note, you may only access Schoology courses you are enrolled in.

What we will study in French 4:

Unité 1: France au passé et au présent

France: Then and Now

Il était une fois...

Fairy Tales Mini-Unit

Unité 2: L'Afrique Francophone et les contes

French-Speaking Africa and Storytelling

Unité 3: L'Amérique francophone et la Nature

French-Speaking America and Nature

Unité 4: Amours et Amitiés

Life events and Emotions

Unité 5: L'éducation


Unité 6: La société aujourd'hui

Society today

Le Petit Prince