Français 2


French 2 is offered periods 3&5.

Classroom: B113

Materials Needed

Online Access

Check Schoology regularly for daily agendas, slides, resource packets, and other materials.

Syllabus & Schoology Links

23-24 Sylllabus French 2_Ketcham

Note, you may only access Schoology courses you are enrolled in.

What we will study in French 2:

Unit 0: Ma routine

My daily routine

Unit 1A: Les fêtes

Holidays & Celebrations

Unit 1B: Les vêtements

Clothing & Shopping

Unit 2: Les vacances


Unit 3: Mon enfance

My childhood

Unit 4: Chez moi

House & Chores

Unit 5: La cuisine

Cooking & Grocery Shopping

Unit 6: La santé

Health & Wellness

Students will also study a mini-unit about Jour-J in Normandy (D-day in WW2) as well as read a novel at the end of the year. Students will also work on a year-long project about a Francophone country of their choice during each unit.