Getting Started with Destiny Discover
Browsing and Checking Out eBooks in Destiny Discover
Step One: Log in to the Northglenn High School's Destiny Discover page using your Adams 12 universal login.
Step Two: Locate the eBook ribbon on the home page and click on the See All link to see the entire eBook collection.
Step Three: Scroll through the collection or search using the filter menu or the search bar. Look for books with a green triangle and the Checkout button. These are Destiny Discover books and can be read inside Destiny Discover and/or inside the Destiny Discover app.
Step Four: Open a book if you want o preview it. Otherwise, you can check it out from the results list.
Step Five: To see what books you have have checked out, go back to the main page and click on Main Menu in the top right corner. Look for the menu item Checkouts.
Step Six: eBooks can be returned anytime before the due date. Otherwise, they will expire three weeks from the day they are checked out.