
C Craig, C Lahiri, 2023, Accessing Relative Importance of Interacting Driving Forces That Have Caused Small Slope Failures on La Veta Pass, Colorado: Geological Society of America Annual Conference Oral Presentation.  


C Fehringer, C Lahiri, 2023, Investigation of Increased Erosion and Avalanches Due to Bark-Beetle Infestation, Henson Creek, Colorado: Geological Society of America Annual Conference poster.  


C Fehringer, C Lahiri, 2022, Examination of Factors Leading To Increased Avalanches Due To Climate Change, Lake City, Colorado: Geological Society of America Annual Conference poster.  


C Lahiri, M Crowther, 2021, Geologic Evaluation of Road Cut Slope Failure at La Veta Pass, Colorado: American Geophysical Union Fall Conference poster.


M Bhuyian, C Lahiri, T Diehl, E Heal, 2021, Application of hydrodynamic modeling and remote sensing for identification of flood-prone croplands downstream of Reelfoot Lake spillway: American Geophysical Union Fall Conference poster.


AS Wilson, C Lahiri, 2020, Investigating the role of avalanches in contributing large wood debris for fish habitat in high elevation streams: Geological Society of America Annual Conference poster. 

Cody Fehringer: GSA 2022

Marli Crowther: GSA 2022

Cody Fehringer: GSA 2023

Cody Craig: GSA 2023