🎨 Grading Policy 🎨

Students: I will always grade you based on your own personal abilities and the artistic growth you personally will make with time and effort (Growth Mindset)Keep a positive attitude, do your best, and I guarantee you will have success in my class! 

🎨Report Cards/Progress Reports:

🎨 Daily Participation Grade:

Each day of class, students can earn up to 100 points for awesomeness! These grades are titled "Daily Participation Grades" in Aspen.

Participation Expectations:

• You are prepared and on time for class.

• You follow classroom expectations and school rules.

You demonstrate respect and responsibility in the art studio.

• You follow through on all tasks, spend ALL of the work time being productive! 

• You contribute to discussions, clean up routines, and class activities.

🎨 Assignments and Project Grades:

Classwork is assessed using the checkmark rating scale, project rubrics, or self-reflections. You will receive feedback to help you improve in areas such as: 

• Using the artist's Studio Habits of Mind.

Creating: Developing ideas, organizing, and refining art works.

Presenting: Selecting, describing, and displaying art work.

Reflecting: Interpreting and evaluating works of art.

Connecting: Relating personal experiences and world knowledge with the art we make and see.

(These areas are based on the MA Visual Arts Curriculum Frameworks Standards!)

View the Art Project Rubric

View the  Checkmark Rating Scale:

Make-Up Work: 

Students are encouraged to stay after school on Ms. Daniels’ extra help day to finish any incomplete work as soon as possible. You do not have to wait until the project deadline to stay after for help, you may sign up to stay at any point if you are behind on work.

Make sure you sign up on the after school form by 1:00 and arrange transportation ahead of time. After school is from  2:45-3:45 p.m.

Click here for Ms. Daniels' after school schedule.