Tips When Writing

Thank You Messages

The thank you messages are an important aspect of how we work, as it is through these that our donors can really feel directly connected to the people they have helped. It is an opportunity to show our donors the difference their generosity is making, and encourage them that giving through Acts 435 is a worthwhile thing to do.

The following message is therefore intended for you:”

What then follows is what you have written. Write naturally, either from your own perspective or directly from the applicant (if they have given you a message) 

E.g: "Like many of the people we support, B is not someone who is ever going to make an eloquent thank you speech. He is a person of few words, who prefers not to be the centre of attention. He did say "thank you, that will be really useful", but we want you to know that your compassion and generosity towards him has been a huge blessing. Thank you for your support."

"Thank you so much for your generosity in supporting this family. Your support has made a massive difference, not only in providing a washing machine which was desperately needed but also in providing a positive boost to this family who now know that others care for them. Thank you again for your kindness and generosity. "

"T couldn't find the right words when we told him that he was able to have help with his move. He broke down in tears, he was just so grateful. Having the opportunity to start over means the world to him. He could only muster the words "thank you" as he was so overwhelmed by your help. I know that he is so grateful- thank you for your kindness."

"Thank you very much for your help, I don't know what I would of done without it. I have had such a terrible year and you have made my day. There really are some wonderful people out there. I can`t stop smiling- I am going to be debt free and that is a lovely feeling!" 

“The DRO process is long-winded and we hope and trust that X will successfully get to the end of this process. He/she will be supported through it. Please be assured that if for any reason X is unable to complete the process, your donation will be reallocated to someone else who needs to go through this process and cannot fund the fee”.